having three days off in a row is making me crazy! i don't know what to do with myself and all of this extra time i've had on my hands!

today i am going to a photo shoot for my boyfriend's solo project, a bitter hello... i am about to go put extensions in my hair for it and everything. it should be interesting,...
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i just got back from she wants revenge/depeche mode. it was pretty sweet! i'm not a huge DM fan, but they played well. my boyfriend worked the show so i got to go for free and i really wanted to see she wants revenge since everytime they play black cat it's sold out. i hate going to huge arena type shows where the band is...
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yo, i'm out. why pay for a site when all the deliciously hot ladies are gone? peace out.
Shit, really? Well, stay ahead of the cops, and I'll see you at the sewing machine store.
i hate maryland...... it is a fucking black hole waste land and i can't wait to get out of it. i'm not sure what happens when you cross over from virginia into maryland, but whatever it is, i fucking LOATHE it.

i guess one thing i hate about maryland is living with my mom. living with my mom involves mediocrity, early fucking morning wake ups,...
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You are so not alone. I have been stuck in this hell hole since I was 3 and in P.G. County to make it worse. I'm hopefully moving to A.A. county soon. Still Maryland but what the fuck can I do without a butt load of money. Anyway, Hi by the way.
well, it's been awhile.... shit is pretty crazy right now. my boyfriend and i broke up, but as of right now it looks like we might end up getting back together. i've decided we're both fucking crazy, but we've been crazy together for five years now, so who cares? who really knows, i guess we'll see what happens. i am in the process of moving...
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Everyone needs to be the madwoman in the basement every once in a while.

You can take sewing classes?
dear mr. so and so,
karma's a bitch, aint it?
biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
Sounds like there's a story here.

i was out of my mind at that moment. hangovers are a bitch. puke
it is nearly 4am, and i am sitting here smoking a cigarette with a candle lit while the TV is on and my boyfriend is asleep....... i cannot sleep due to the fact that i am basically jobless and haven't woken up before 1pm in a few weeks now... so i sit here, exploring the SG website and finding new and cool thinks while i...
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Joan Jett should be on the three dollar bill.
this weekend is pointless fest in philly... due to lack of money i will not be attending. i'm not too upset about it, i have plenty of things to keep me occupied at home. my boyfriend is going though, so the ladies and i are going to have a nice long weekend full of drunken debauchery, skateboarding, and bike riding. i think i'm also going...
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I'll keep an eye out for drunk skateboarders rolling down 9th Street.

Why clean the house if you're gonna move?
since i last updated:
my patio garden has died
i got a new job that i have since quit
i have been to philly a few times, exploring neighborhoods and hanging out with awesome people

tomorrow is my boyfriend's 23rd birthday. i got him a new guitar stand (that holds five guitars which won't even store his whole collection), lucky 13 picks, a bunch of...
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That's why people move--it's the only way to make the town you live in look good for a while.

You should put the empty porn boxes on some of the forgotten graves; those people have gone a long, long time without some porn.
it's been awhile, yeah?

last night richard and i watched this badass show on the history channel about satan...... and now i am obsessed with all devil related art work, voodoo and black magic imagery. it reminded me of when nikki sixx started dabbling in black magic and something really fucking weird started happening so he stopped. nikki sixx rules... hands down. anyway if i...
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All the best satanists take good care of their kitties.

What're you going to do in Philly besides tickle the corpses at the Mutter Museum?