Boring week of digging a french drain for a little extra cash.
Found a petrafied cow bone or something and a cool little blue bottle like they had in the pharmacies back in the late 1800's.
I had a dream that I was getting mauled by a bear a few nights ago.
Then yesterday my friend ask me if I want to go camping out...
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I hate digging Blaaaaa ack ack ack!

Next time in your drream with a bear try and give him a Rainer beer, I heard they like that and it should give you time to run away.
So busy this week I'll definetly get back to you all.

So today my father called me and said I probably should have told you this when you where younger, you have a half sister. This stems from a brief encounter when he was 17. I guess she is 37, he kind of hinted around to me tracking her down. So I put all her vital info. in and walla now it's just a matter of...
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Oh the beginning of another week. So I played at my friends club last night. I was so nervous because I hadn't played in like 2 years. My first couple of mixes were a bit shacky but then everything fell into line.
I'm leaving my regional group today. I'm just to introverted to meet a big ass group of people I've never met before all...
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I went to Christian Faith High school you may have heard of them they have tons of cheezy comercials. I only went to 3 years of it though. Look at me now.
don't worry, i only use my mind power ray beams for good. your head will be fine smile

i haven't heard of just jake, are they similar to the streets?

congrats on your dealy last night! biggrin that's awesome!
So my biopsy results are good.
I recently spoke to a friend of mine who crashed our 10 year highschool reunion, this prompted me to check out classmates.com, it appears that the few people that I kind of hung out with would like to get in contact with me. I also attended 2 different high schools. The last time I saw or talked to any...
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Pain meds confused can't think straight. Where am I!!!!!!!!!!!!!! confused shocked eeek confused
This morning was rough. My head is a little bit clearer now. I got the important stuff done today.
I was looking for a job and ran across an ad that said Mock Juror. I guess law firms like to run there cases by Mock jurys to see how they think there case might go in court....
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Awesome on the job.. Glad your feeling better.. Are you doing better though? I feel for you in all you have to do to keep healthy.. my heart and hugs go out to you.
hey - i am coming around slowly - med's are good and bad - takes the pain away for a while but can really fog the noggin - hope all is well.
So tomorrow I get to go have another biopsy, the 3rd one in six months. Hopefully the results are good. My blood sugar has been a little elevated.
I've been feeling fine and all my labs results have been within an acceptable range. But they can catch organ rejection earlier with biopsies. But if this one is clear I don't need another one until another...
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Gl w/ your procedure, and thanks for the support on the vending machine punk. Take it easy!
Have a titalating Tuesday!
Looks like Biotechnology is the future for me. EL SUICIDO LOCO
Not much to say.
I said something about doing morse code at random. Here it is.
(each line is one letter)
(comma is beginning of new word)

orphan annie decoder ring
hey what a random thing to write!, but hey who doesn't !
uni = university
lark = larking , like larking about, joking about, a crazy caper! i can't find my dictionary but thats roughly what it means.
why did you have to go to court? [sorry if you've already written why i must have missed that entry! sorry! blush ]
-... -..- . !
isnt that pic from the window licker vid? that dude is insane.

id try to solve the mors code but im really high on percasete right now.
2 more years
2 more years
of school.
Funny how your past can sneak up on you.
Everytime my past tries to sneak up on me I bash it in the snatch with a iron. oasts suck its the future i wanna see.
Have a great Thursday!
How did the doc appt go?
so does that mean it's 4 more total? wink
the past sucks! who needs it! mad
Say hello to another 2 years of school.
So my motion to to vacate a conviction from 13 years ago was denied. If I had enough money for a lawyer to argue my case it would be no problem.
This one stupid little verbal assault charge is keeping me from finishing my degree in Surgical Technologies. Actually it's a driving with license not on person...
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dude that is buuuuuuuuullllllshit.
mmmmmchemicals how fun I wana play.