went to work today, it's sunday! boo-hoo...! it was a gloomy sunday anyway. but just as I walk in the office, my roommie texts me that she needs the room back by the 4th of january. since i leave for rio in one week I will come back to a no-roof situation. fun! so i called my best friend who's acting a little more reserved...
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sunday, december 18th
my roommate came back from her asia trip, completely stoned on dope (and I thought the poor thing was sick by now, boo-hoo). I figured, for sure she will go to sleep at a decent time (I like to have the living-room to myself in the mornings; that's sort of my territory, being that I'm gone all day everyday anyway). but no,...
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sunday, december 18th
my roommate came back from her asia trip, completely stoned on dope (and I thought the poor thing was sick by now, boo-hoo). I figured, for sure she will go to sleep at a decent time (I like to have the living-room to myself in the mornings; that's sort of my territory, being that I'm gone all day everyday anyway). but no,...
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yes!!!!! house music / and all things electronic...
i heard a sick fuckin track

the ripple ep by 20 for 7
(ripple effect) (basek and smart remix)

sat am 7;20

put on john cale's 'in a flood' and cried, at the sadness of it all
Monday 12/12, 12:36am
just came back from my best friend's place. He's in the Lower East Side. We DJ'd, he made some antipasti, we watched a stupid movie with Angelina Jolie, Kieffer Sutherland, Ethan Hawke, about Ethan Hawke being some cold-hearted bitch of a killer because his mom didn't love him. sorry-ass film. I'm not down with Hollywood, not at all. Loved Titanic, saw it...
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Planning New Year's Eve in Rio De Janeiro (Sunday, 12/11/, 1:37pm)

Been thinking about what to do for New Year's. I get to Rio de Janeiro on the 28th. Clubbing is my least favorite option, unless very specific conditions are met. Usually, you get the riffraff who, having saved several paychecks will showily drop mad money on champagne magnums and make a sad show of...
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Sunday, December 11th, 8:18am
early sunday morning, awake. I can hear my roommate still up from the night before, smoking cigarettes, probably pretty brain-dead from all heroin, weed and lack of sleep of the last few days. It's sad, seeing someone's downfall from the front row; it's a losing battle, heroin. She was on methadone, but for some reason doesn't stick to it. we've talked...
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i HAVE seen gogol bordello live....best show ever! they're about to hit the big time...the lead singer's girlfriend has connections with elijah wood...

yup, the film thing is probably the age wink there's a few of us geezers around tho....

i enjoyed reading your profile. theatre arts was my undergrad work, and i love bertolt brecht.

take care!
It's interesting how many girls have added 'natural born killers' as one of their favorite movie... Personally, I hated it, just like I FUCKING HATE Oliver Stone, some ageing hippy who hasn't quite shaken off the 60s bug and is still trying to push his acid-tinted visions onto the modern era. You want to see that genre done well (by "genre" I mean ultraviolence): Clockwork...
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yeah, i saw coffee and cigarettes and i didn't like it very much. but irreversible is one of my favorite movies. so dark and graphic, but the emotion it evokes...wow.
For the first time in a long... ok, ever, I can actually see myself spending hours after pathetic hours glued to SG. Yea, I'm getting it, now, this is more than just oggling body mods. Funny, I've never been the type.. you know, the type to be glued to the computer screen, oggling body mods, women, etc. hm, wait a minute! I AM THE TYPE!...
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It's interesting how many girls have added 'natural born killers' as one of their favorite movie... Personally, I hated it, just like I FUCKING HATE Oliver Stone, some ageing hippy who hasn't quite shaken off the 60s bug and is still trying to push his acid-tinted visions onto the modern era. You want to see that genre done well (by "genre" I mean ultraviolence). Clockwork Orange, goes without saying..a classic. But if you want to go for the real ride, that spirally downward ride (licking his chops), then get one of my favorites, IRREVERSIBLE, by that sick comedian Gaspar Noe (Francais, of course). Soundtrack by one-half of Daft Punk Thomas Bangalter, with Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci, now there's ultraviolence treated with an almost clinical eye, an eye that says (did that sound funny?) yes, ladies and gentlemen, when pushed to the limits man can be one contrary motherfucker.

Oliver Stone, on the other hand, tells you: here is my vision, I bestow it upon you in all of its self-serving glory. Lap it up, bitches.

Oh, and there's also Baise-moi, another French movie (is this starting to reflect poorly on me and my compatriots?)..