Birthday month begins. Also, booking the rest of the years travel for fun. Road trips, deviations, friends and family ensue!
Lots of 3 and 4 day weekends visiting places and people I love. Just got back from Portland which was a liver punishing good time. Finally doing some California camping this weekend, looking forward to sitting around a campfire, assuming we're allowed to have them. I know New Mexico and Arizona are burning up and other states will follow suit. That's all for now, enjoy.
Today is my best friends birthday. Visiting Santa Fe with him and hanging out with old friends. Except for Arizona being on fire and smoking up NM, it's a damn nice ideal afternoon for drinkin and chillin with good peeps. This is long overdue.
NM is pretty country.
Some days the bug, some days the windshield. This week, the bug. Still learning, tomorrow is a new day.
When I hear that it always makes me think of Starship Troopers smile

I petitioned my friends for art and end up with some good arrangements. Another painting from an old friend, and commissioned another from another friend who just moved to Austin and needs the money super bad. I'm excited, my walls need some serious love in this house.

Operation get car ready for wine country road trip has been hampered by unexpected illness, however some progress...
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You gotta Smash the system man wink
Will be in Denver to see Murder by Death next weekend

Work is brutal but I am awesome according to my performance review

Wine is a new hobby, not that I needed another one but shit, I'm going crazy over these grapes

Paid off my car, then someone backed into it...figures. This happened the last time I was back home, left the car in Cali...
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Denver manana, 12 days, back home, no work, all play, miss the kitties, miss the friends, miss the mountains.

Lots of rain in SoCal, happy to leave it. The back bedroom in our house has some really fucking wet carpet due to some awesome leaky action.

Trolling for new music, what's in your player right now?

Still totally slumped on photography, sadness. Maybe developing the...
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Beach day, in December, it's nice.

Denver in two weeks, very awesome, I miss it so.
It's been months, since I've had a night by myself without having to worry about catching up on work. I'm getting excited about dorking out in front of the computer until I can't keep my eyes open, fancy that?