"Soul on Fire"

Angels fall to earth, World heats down.........cool...
Now your heart is cold, waiting on the summer of my soul

Devilgirl you must burn , burn at the touch of autumn's breath

Burn that heart of cold,simmering in the Samhain of my soul
Gotta wait on the Samhain of my soul, gonna bring your world down in fire..........

-one of my favorites of...
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Hehehehe it said Autumn. Thanks for the nice words..yeah I cant stop looking at and touching them, even in public, people think im crazy.
fancy meeting you here.. wink

I hate my ex! mad
I hate seeing her , i hate hearing about her, i hate thinking about her. I wish i could erase her from my memory. Or move! mad


Great fucking show thursday night. I was pumped.
And it was easy , expecially because we played the same place 4 days before. Got an offer to play our set on KPSU radio station at the end of the month, that should be rad. im happy.... for the time being.
But I always want more..........its never enough......


good show last night. few technical problems.
its always a rush to get all that shit up there and set up. first show with new singer, he popped his cherry and I was proud of him. i feel we all did pretty good.
could be allot better though. were gonna work on some shit. our photo shoot with suicide girl Katie is awesome. the new...
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So i got this job at the Roseland Theater setting up concerts. Thursday was my first day. Overall went pretty good. Its a awesome job but seems hard at first. You have to put up with allot of different attitudes and personalities. And since its a high stress level job, people can get hot at almost any moment.

My first show was Billy Corgan's new...
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when i see this woman, dude, i cant handle it......
she makes me feel like a little kid with your 1st crush,when we exchange looks, i feel my heart melt inside me chest, she is the type of girl i would do anything for ......... anything. She does a big number on me and she doesnt even know it........., its weird, its like a physical...
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Strange. I haven't felt that nervous excitement in exchanging glances with a woman in a long time. I kinda miss it, ya know?

I was at a wedding in the fall, but it was a whacky one, so the conclusions I drew from it are probably suspect.

had a killer weekend full of parties, a wedding, a rad photo shoot that was tonz of fun! And a great final mixing session.

I also found out today that I got a job at the Roseland Theater. cool! im happy indeed.

Its hard when there are some things you know you cant have but you want it soooooo bad.... ugh.
bryan skull mad
ok , im fucking stressed out! car died, then got it fixed.
$350 . .i owe the state of oregon $980 , got 3 months to pay for it........... long story.....

Have a wedding to go to tommarow at noon, have to be at the studio by 4:30pm to mix the demo. Wrap party afterwards, play the shit out of demo.

Have a extremley important...
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I really dig that new set by Scarlett. That chick is fucking hot! I like girls that have really intense eyes, and when your checking out her pix, its almlost like those eyes are piercing through the screen. Its heavy.
Oh what I would do to her............! smile smile

Big week this week. Lots of practice for these gigs next week. Also have to check in with...
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What's your band's name?
my bands name is Miss Anne Thrope
........playing April 27th at Paris Theater lol smile
Im fucking broke! And it sucks!
These upcoming months will be interesting..............

as long as "stanley" is ok ............ im OK! smile

bryan wink

"hybrid moments" is the best misfits song! i love it !

Last few days have been weird.
Almost like a new start, i feel real intent on putting 100% of my heart and soul into my music. I feel that time is against me. Im 23 and I have to fufill my destiny. Things are coming together very good and fast. Im a true believer that everything happens for a reason. Im nervous yet calm but...
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OOO SAKE. One of my favourite drinks... I have to be careful with it though, it's so yummy that I usually end up err... overindulging. whatever

Ah, ''new starts". Scary, but change is almost always a good thing. So congrats. =)