so lets see what did i do last ngiht hmmmm well i stripped and gave 2 girsl lapadances :p. Theyre freinds of mien and they were nice enogh to give me lapdances however they stayed clothed frown so it wasnt as fun for me but still fun none the less. wooooooooohooooo ,,im taking off my pants :p

Hahaha! that sounds like fun, did they give you a tip at least?
If you had fun, that's all that matter! I would give you a tip if you dance good tongue
So back still screwed up i ahve one mroe chiropractors appointment on monday ,,sucsk casue i ahve to move that ffurniture out the studio and to my house sunday. I tried my best to find home for eht faintig cahir and sidebaord chirs but no one seems to want to keep them for me. So theyll have to sit in the corner. A friend wants...
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someone step on ym back pleaew ,,i swaer its ntoa BDSM thing. My back really really hurts and well whnever i lower my head or try to turn it to the right it hurst liek hell .

In bad news im most likely losingthe use of my studio casue allteh sudden the girsl is moving away most likelyfrown

Yeah, one of these days I am going to have to pick up The Seven Samurai. Akira Kurosawa = love
I will step on your back! tongue you could iron a towel and put it while it's hot on your back, it might relieve the pain, or take a long bath to relax the muscles. I always get back pain during winter because when I'm so cold I start making weird things with my shoulders and end up all hunchback. I think I will go to a chiropractor next time I visit my dad.
Get better honey! and cheer up! kiss
I never thought I'd say this but yesterday i serously considred quitting photography. I asked a girl at the rollerderby if she wodl liek to model for me ,,i was nice aboutt it gave her my card ,,i wasnt nervous or anyhtng and she gave me a look that basically said to me "you creepy bastard why are you asking me " and she crumpled...
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Happy belated birthday honey! I haven't been around for a long time, lots of troubles and frustration with my classes.
Cheer up! you're really great so don't feel discouraged, please. You have a great heart, don't let people take you down. Your only problem is not realizing how amazing you are.
ok so its my b-day thigns to do today umm well pretty much nothng till 6pm then i go to rollerderby . OTher than that i dotn thik anyhting is gonna happen i didnt get any cards inteh mail ,,no phone calls ,,i did however get some myspace greeting from out fo state peopel i knwo which is good. Just wish iw asnt tos alone...
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Happy Birthday!
so umm yeah birthdya 2 days away this sunday sunday sunday.. If you ahve any free tiem andlive in my state come out to the charm city rollergirsl match i'll be there that night. I love watching it, where else can you see tattto chicks knock eachother aroudn ain professional sport with fake names :p.

no cards yet frown but if you stillwant to send a...
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Meh, I spent my last birthday with only two friends, and was in bed by 11. Birthdays are only fun when you're young.

I love those photos. The Honfest girls came out really well. I like that they don't look posed in that first picture, just some leggy girls waiting for an event to begin.
I wish I didnt have to work that weekend
my birthday will be coming up on june 17th and although i knwothe dayof i'llbe goign to teh roller derby earlier in the ngiht. I dont plan on haveing anythign else casue well its also fathers day :p

But if you want to get me anythign and give it to me at a later time than i'll give oyu my little weird list like i...
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biggrin Thanks you! biggrin My birthday is at the end of the month but I don't want anything. I think I have everything I want and need this year. I hope you are having a nice weekend and I hope your birthday is a good one when it comes around.
i hope your sadness subsides as well. no on likes feeling this way. and i know wat u mean about the dark corner and dying.
So for some good news I heard back form my freind and model who had the lyme disease, i dunno if shes doing better but after 3 weeks of silence im glad to knwo shes alive, still seeing doctors every day but alive. I'm sad that this is happening to ehr though csaue shes already been haveing problems with her thyroid gland for the past...
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Thanks kiss
my vacation is canelled and my heart is broke someone get me some supergleu to put it back together

lets see what else bad can happen casue it all comes in 3s