LoL, lots of time on your hands, huh? tongue

I saw a balloon on your pic over in Silliness, so I thought I would come wish you a very happy birthday smile
Why is it the older I get, the younger the crowd is that I hang out with? When I was in high school I hung with the older crowd, when I was in the early 20s, I hung with late 20s. Now I'm about to be 34 and my party tonight had no one over the age of 24. Really?! I mean finding someone that...
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Why is it always so much easier to fall asleep when someone is there next to you? It's always hard for me to fall asleep anyways, but when I'm alone, it just seem nearly impossible. The other night after a party, a girlfriend of mine wanted to know if she could stay the night. We are not involved in that way, so sure. She came...
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youre a libra!
It was a blind date. And he wasn't ugly....just not physically attractive to me. And he had a really weird nose
Why? Fucking why?? I've given you everything I have to give, and yet you still act like I don't want to be with you. Why do you act like this, when you know I would, and have given up everything for you? It makes no sense to me, and I'm just so fucking confused. Why is it anymore when you say you love me, it...
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Thanks for that , and not killing me anymore, or at least for the time being .
Lithgow as a serial killer is doing an excellent job. I just finished disk one, 3 and 4 are waiting in P.O.Box according to Net flix, but #2 is late?!
By the way, I have two good, well, I can see out of both of them, eyes.
I was wondering if you were enjoying killing me a bit to much, but now I'm guessing that you just like getting into it like I sometimes do.biggrin
Do you like "Weeds" Nancy is HOT!
^ seconded
Nancy is Hot
I have a little corn snake, her name is Rover. biggrin
Leaving early in the morning to go camping at the lake. Can't wait to get there and just relax for a few days, and have some major awesomeness kind of fun! Burgers, dogs, chicken, steaks and so much more. And we haven't got to the alcohol yet...yes, this weekend will be fun! Jetskies, boats, barley dressed women...who could ask for more?!?!?!?!
So I just found out this morning that I will be going camping this weekend. YES!! The last camping trip of the summer. Ever notice how the last one, if you know its going to be the last one, is always the best? People party a little harder then usuall, people just in general make more of this time, then all others. But thats true...
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So it's another boring night home alone. This is getting old really fast!frown
That's no fun at all
So I have this fascination with blacklight paint on a naked body. When I first bought the paint, it was just as a joke between me and my at the time girlfriend. But now it's turned into what I always want to do for photos. If the person isn't painted, in my mind, it's not as fun. I know this isn't always the case, but...
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That's neat!
If they're willing, no, it's not going too far. To each his own. If they don't like it, they don't have to look.
So I'm hungry, but can't think of what to eat. I hate when this happens. I don't want to go out to get anything, but don't really want to make myself something either......fucking Hunger!!