There was big news back in mid January, that CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, Elon Musk, donated $10 million to help prevent the rise of an evil artificial intelligence. The news mostly circulated on tech blogs, and magazines, but was eventually picked up by some of the larger media outlets. It is a story that sounds like a basis for a cool SciFi
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I gave myself a challenge to design and 3D model a spaceship of some kind and render it in 3 hours. This cargo hauling vessel is the result. I'm not particularly happy with the hull plating, as it doesn't look realistic. there were also supposed to be 2 smaller engines on the back. I suppose I know what to work on next time! maybe I'll revisit the design and assign textures and materials to it.

Good ! Kisses from France !

Let me preface this by saying that my generalizations and thoughts are highly regionalized, and stem from Americans and their way of doing things. For the international readers here, let this serve as an insight into my world.

My laptop is old. Not old in the geological sense, but old in the way that it would be in 3rd grade right now, learning long division,...
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It's been a while. 5 years to be precise. I was once a member, and then life and monetary priorities got in the way. Turns out some black Friday deals are too good to resist. I will be posting more in the coming days, weeks, and months. For now, I just wish to express my excitement to be a part of this unique community again!