I love having the week off

but I am going to hate working all weekend, oh well I need the money

yeah I don't have much to say

I've done it

I made the plunge into crack

world of warcrack that its aka WoW or World Of Warcraft

got a 10 day trial but after 2 hours last night Im hooked.

already have a lvl 10.

just what I need more mmo's

bah, this is a awesome week

its nice out

I don't have to work

going to the bar with people I actually enjoy

can't ask for more

well maybe

a cuddle buddy would be fuckin nice

yup thats about it
quit bitchin fuckface

i mean you could always cuddle with that nasty ass slut.

kisses kiss
went to the bar last night
had a good time
Mr Fox burned my face so I slapped him
went to dennys with Jamie, Jamey, and Calo
its was fun
all and all I had a great night
I had a good weekend

nice non working week this week, well only 2 days

trying to find someone to go to comic con this weekend.

pay day on friday

yup thats about it

I get to go see Avenged Sevenfold tonite

for free


my parents are gone for the weekend and Im watching their house while my sister is gone for Prom, fuckin' a my sister is 18 now.

and its only 7 days until my birthday Im turning older.

everyone needs to check out this band I found, they are called Waking The Cadaver ,...
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nothing really to report

just been fuckin tired

work was slow as fuck last night

hopefully getting drunk tonite. with 12 bucks. ouch

oh yeah fuck band guys that try to fuck with my bestfriend

Suicide Silence
make the best of yr 12 bucks.
gin always kicks my ass

I really need to stop drinkin it all the time but its the only thing that gets me drunk anymore. I can drink beer but I have to drink a lot to get drunk. fuck that.


went to my friend Fox's birthday party last night with Pete and djprolly drank a 40 and then broke open the gin as...
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hahahahahaha MY ASS
oh snap

payday tomorrow

money = happy prime smile

4 days of work next week = kinda happy prime

14 days until my birthday

don't know what I want yet, but Im still thinkin'

the usual birthday wish i hear lately is hookers and alchohol.