The fog might lift at some point. I continue to have good days and bad days mentally, but never cosistantly have good days in a row.

Not sure what more I can do to ease what is going on inside my head, but I know at some point it is going to consume me to a point where I am not able to get back...
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I can relate. Some days are constant struggle. You wake up hoping today will be a good day and it usually doesn't turn out that way :/ 
Very true.  I have tried to find a therapist to see if I can talk things through, but I am always fearful of how quick they are to medicate and then push you away to the next client.

Somehow Thursday has graced me/us with her presence and will end the 2 weeks of work hell. This included 12 hours both Saturday and Sunday and a lot of waking up at 4:30am. Maybe a nap or two.

Also in Progress of a 24 hour fast; I'll try not to be too stabby. ;)


I have been awake since 4:30am, partially because my son woke up, and partially because the dreams I have are starting to get more fucked up.

I tend to dream about murder and torture, where it comes from I am not sure...some of them I wake up smiling from...others I am left with a WTF stance.

I would just like a night of sleep...or a...
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