Maybe it's because I'm new and don't exactly know what I'm doing, but this site is fucking boring and quiet.
I don't know, I just don't get it I guess?

-Danny confused
Life is so rough right now. SO rough.

I used to enjoy my job. I have been there for about two and a half years. As of late, it has been terrible. My boss has it out for me for some reason even though I'm a good employee. Blaaagh!

The new addition to my band, James, just joined the army... so he will be getting...
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MOJO to the maxxx! I feel your frustration. I am not an angry person by any means - but tonight has been a shitter.

Being on tour with you band - is there anything better? It's hard, tiring work, but fuck man - GOOD TIMES. Best of luck to you, I hope your band goes well.

No more rough for you sir! kiss
I've been there. When I was still in NYC, I worked for Starbucks and my boss was the biggest bitch on this planet. If I didn't get around to doing something trivial (like clean the windows despite the fact that there were 100 customers) she would give me the silent treatment, fuck with my schedule, and tell everyone else why she was mad at me.

Yea...I don't miss those days. I hope things let up for you soon.
Still got mono... still got the flu.

I'm SO sick of being sick!

Blagh!!! puke
Sorry you're sick! And sorry you had the same problem with a STUPID landlord, blood suckers mad Seriously, WHY? just why can't they be decent people.
I feel like asking them to refund all the money I spent on cleaning supplies to scrub the place near perfect. Oh also, we LEFT our washer and dryer there for them because the new tenants moving in didn't have one... for free. And they fuck us like this? What a joke!!
I hope it all comes back to them in the end!
AND your landlord wanted extra money?! If ours come back and say that after eating up all of our $1600 i'm going to throw a serious fit.

I'm not even usually this mad, my blogs are always nice frown lol.
I'm sick as all fuck. Been laying in bed, puking and shitting myself since yesterday morning at ten...

THIS SUCKS, but FUCK work today... haha. Butt Fuck.

-Danny puke
I am sorry that you are so damn sick..

Dudddde, that sucks :[

I think my best friend and I are coming down with strep or some horrible fucking throat cancer bull shit.


You poor thing!


I really hope you start feeling better soon :/