I changed my displayed name from d43vr1c because the numbers were driving me NUTS, and I don't want to use the normal version of that for SG, at least for a while, for professional reasons.

The name Rylhor was the name of my mage in WoW, and I've decided I really like it. I had originally wanted to name the mage R'llhor, after the firey...
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I know a couple of other kids at Ithica right now. It's probably unlikely that you'd run into them though, they are in different departments.
There seems to be name-changing en-mass lately, for all sorts of reasons. I like your new one. smile
Ugh. I've been sick for a week and a half now.

On the bright side, I'm back in Ithaca. Hopefully I'll be able to walk up the hill. =P

I'm really not thinking clear enough to come up with any better of an entry. My cousin had a kid that I really wanted to see over break, but didn't get a chance, being sick and...
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Thank you! kiss

You may well get a drunken comment next time; nobody is safe! shocked biggrin

I hope you feel better soon.
On the way to the concert on Sunday, I was having a conversation with my friend about the fact that people of certain geographical are able to distinguish between each other easier than those not from the area. The classic example is that white people (or maybe just Americans?) are often unable to distinguish between Japanese, Chinese, etc. As it happens, my friend is Romanian,...
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Ah, but if you keep quiet, you'll keep 'em guessing--for a little while, anyway.
Back in Indy for the week. Feel like ass. I've been ignoring the fact that I'm sick (I've been running a fever since last Wednesday), and it's finally catching up to me.

On the bright side, the Children of Bodom/Chimaira concert rocked, though the 16 hours of driving between getting there and getting from there to home kinda sucked.

And now for something completely...
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Hmmm... I've met a few great people by randomly talking to strangers when I was out having drinks with friends, but if you do that, you've got to run the risk of accidentally encouraging weirdos. blackeyed
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too. kiss

Only a small one, as I still have room to grow.

Got my Synthesis exam back. Note that neither do I like synthesis, nor do I consider myself very good at it.

Average: 73%
Std Dev: 18%

My score: 89%

TAKE THAT, Self-Esteem. Fuckin' A. I'm gonna go have a beer now. You should have one, too.
Thank you very much for your kind words. It'll be fine, I'm just a little disappointed in myself. We live and learn though, eh? smile
Well if sleep is for the weak, you can just call me Nancy. biggrin

That exam was amusing. It was mainly an exercise in hand-waving.

We were given 12 molecules. We were to choose 8 of them and design syntheses for them from "reasonable" starting materials. Out of the 8 that I did, 3 or 4 of them I think were spot on. The others all had at least one or two steps in the synthesis where I...
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to me D&D online is the best online game I have ever played, not best MMO, best online game.
The move to the UK really can't come soon enough.

Also, this test is going to suck.

In happier news, I have more West Wing to watch. *grin* (...instead of studying? perhaps... ARRR!!! )
You're moving this side of the pond? Make sure you apply for SGUK when you're over. smile
I'm badass.

I decided to play FF7 through again, so that it was fresher in my mind for when Advent Children comes out. Plus, I figured I can do the two things in the game I'd never done before: get Aeris's final limit break, and defeat Emerald WEAPON.

Goal #1: Complete! Great Gospel obtained, learned, and cast. It was fun. smile
Goal #2: Uhhhh... still a...
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"Conquering the World Through Confusion", that's my motto.
Not at all; I hope you're having a good day too. smile
It's visit weekend here. Lots of prospective students trying to decide what they want to do for graduate school. Also, lots of food and alcohol. There's definitely something to be said for volunteering to host a prospective grad student.

I've been having some motivation problems recently. Oddly enough, talking to people who are excited about looking at grad schools seems to have recharged me a...
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beer is good... it'll usually get the job done.

I'm baaaaack!

Hopefully I end up staying that way this time. I keep getting distracted.

Anyway, updated temporary profile pic of me with no hair--the full pic is in the 'general' section. Decent pic, but not for a profile, so it'll probably change.

I'm moving to Wales in the fall! Following my advisor to Cardiff to make use of that $7 million grant. Rock...
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Wales? Nice!

I've been working, working, and working. For a bit of variety, I pay my bills. Oh, and read a book or five. biggrin
As promised, a more thorough update as to why life is awesome:

I'm now a few weeks into my PhD work at Cornell. I cannot explain how amazing this place is, or how much I'm enjoying all the work they're throwing at me. Unlike in undergrad, I actually LEARN a lot when I do said work, so it's thoroughly enjoyable. Almost every day that goes...
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Here's to 2006. smile
*jealousy... but we can still be friends