Have you ever had to deal with someone who was not only ignorant, but arrogant in their ignorance? It is so bizarre.

All the time, unfortunately. And even proof is ignored.

At the beginning of December, I got a used ThinkPad T530 laptop and I've been really enjoying doing upgrades & I've been learning new things. I've been building my desktop computers for nearly 20 years, but building laptops is new. I seem to have started a trend with my friends. I built one for an old friend (which he loves) and now he wants one...
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This morning I woke up with a gout flare-up. It's the first time in close to two years. Coincidentally, I have been planning to start the keto diet on Monday. It's almost as if the gout knew. Once this flare up has past, game on. I had great success in the past, but in classic yo-yo diet fashion, I put all the weight back on...
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I got tennis elbow and I don't even play tennis. Harrumph. ...but I bet I'd look cute in the white skirt and sneaks.


I was on Reddit and a lovely lady posted a pic asking what you would give up for a night with her. I said Starbucks. #idontlikecoffeeanyway


I saw a story that Victoria's Secret hired a model with Down's Syndrome. Some people were losing their shit and I don't know why. I replied "So, Victoria's Secret hired a model with a nice figure and large breasts to model underwear. This is hardly Earth shattering news."

It's all marketing
Instructor: "do you like money?"
Me: "usually"
Instructor: "what do you mean, usually?"
Me: "It depends on what I have to do for it. If I have to get on stage and do the full Monty, I'll pass."

As it turns out, he was handing scholarship paperwork.