Just a few weeks now and I'll be jetting downunder for 4 weeks and I don't think I've thought about it much at all. Maybe when it's days away and I have to start thinking about packing and whether I can get away with carry on.
Really enjoying this years TDF. Whether The Texan pulls off an historic victory or not his presence has already made it one of the best starts to Le Tour since ... he last raced it. Great stuff. An Astana 1, 2, 3 in Paris? Sporting event of the year stamped all over it. smile
I now have my very own Voodoo doll to watch over me, a thankyou gift for some maths tutoring. I was bullett proof before but that sort of seals the deal. smile

Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!

I'm just saying. smile

...and this weeks Weeds was very funny, proper laugh out loud funny.
So, hmmm, an update. Everything's pretty much stationary ATM, I get the results from my first year on Friday but I know I've passed. I'd like to know what I got in my last maths test though. My thoughts are about my probable absence when it comes time to register for next year and I'm away all September. Don't see it being a problem though....
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I've joined the twit devaluation. It's actually quite nice having a place to post random thoughts of 140 characters long during the day and spares me bothering The Voices. I've been considering getting a bluetooth ear-thing so I can freely walk the streets talking to myself and not get the usual strange looks. I may twit that last comment. Cool.
Flight booked, woohoo! smile
After much sole searching and not being able to decide where I might like to travel to for a holiday ahead of the start of uni this October I have finally come to the conclusion that I might just want to give serious consideration to going to Perth Australia. I need to confirm that I start back in October and then I can sort a...
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I decided to make a bread pudding today to use up some dried up bread. First time I've made one and, even if I do say so myself, a resounding success.

Next up will be a bread and butter pudding.

Two things I think I will be doing more of is baking and making soup. I may even give baking bread a crack and then...
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... 'tards, why? 'Tards on a bus .... why?

I should point out that I have nothing against the slow witted or even the simply thick but why is it that the people with the least to say choose to broadcast their ignorance at such high volumes and unselfcensored?

On my usual bus into college this morning, at my usual time, I was presented with...
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