You know the song “Living Dead” by Marina and the Diamonds? Every word is my life, my feelings, my thoughts same with Green Day’s Boulevard of Bolen Dreams is my feelings and thoughts. Cut myself again trying to get rid of the pain I feel inside of being so lonely. One pain to take another pain. The pain inside is a lot today. I still...
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It is so impossible and complex but could it possibly happen to win someone’s heart from an ocean away. I hope I can win her enough to let me meet her. It doesn’t matter to me that she strips online. I only seek love with all my heart. It’s why I’m saving. Save the money to meet her in hopes she will in the future....
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I have to find a trained Dom. Guys at work made an offer to name a price basically to get the tar beat out of me by a woman. Why not I do physical pain all the time to myself. Nothing sexual just pain


Well the impossible is taking place. An online stripper from Latvia seems to have interest. Not only has she broken site rules the talk outs side the site but is interested in skyping. I still do not put hopes in anything but am excited. As far as if anything would develop I'm not paying attention to the complications I'm just going with the flow. I'm...
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I know I've not been doing much here or any media and I'm sorry was going through a lot of hurt from friend, had many mental breakdowns. The worst I've had since my ex wife left me for my best friend. I'm a bit better now and they put me on basically small trank pills to keep me mellow I was so out of sorts....
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Sorry I was quiet for a while. I was hurt by my best friend bad and went silent on all media. I am doing better now. I resisted cutting myself. There were thoughts of thinking of ending this life but I fought them off. It's just my parents worry I'll kill myself my one best friend does and I feel I'm just a burden to...
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Finally finished the classical book. The picture of Dorian Gay. Only took like two years. Not a bad turn around for me. Next Peter Pan.😊 Wanted something light and good.


I had gone over a year since cutting. I just stopped caring. My friends I do so much for them but they care about themselves. I just wish someone cared about me for once. Listening to my favorite song summertime sadness Lana Del Rey. I have been alone since I was a child and I hate it. I can't say what I truly desire in...
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