So, I sold my 12 ft backdrop today. Craigslist FTW! It was really too big for my small townhouse, and anyway, shooting on location is much more interesting.

I was chatting with the guy who bought it, because I love talking to other photographers and seeing what they do, how they got into it. He is a fashion photographer, with dual studios in New York...
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Woh! George Clooney! Awesome...that just made my day. kiss Any way, I was just checking in, I will be in touch as soon as I am finished with school. I am honored that you used a picture of me! blush Talk with some SG photographers: Brooklyn is a good one although she is busy a lot but she usually responds. Ryker is a great model and there are always local girls looking for photographers. Talk to you soon, I am so happy you are back!

Eirian surreal
Oh the stories... shocked)
I'm baasaaaack!

I was considering leaving this place altogether, when fate stepped in, in the form of a tax return. With this magical tax return I bought studio lights and a beautiful portrait lens! I am selling off my big white backdrop, too, but I bought smaller backdrops for baby pics (my other business)

I also quit my dayjob to take care of my baby,...
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No news on the submitted set.

I went out with Eirian and Loki. We wandered the inner harbor, and I took some head shot-style photos of Eirian. Unfortunately, it was around the time of the ball game, so the place was super-crowded, and I couldn't do some of the shots I really wanted. And will someone tell Eirian what a dazzling smile she has so...
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wow I would love to shoot with you sometime
We got rejected, but we can still get voted in. Read my blog. I love the Jen. kiss

Help Eirian go Pink!
Look! Another update!

The preview set was approved, so I submitted the entire set. We should hear something within the next 30 days. Here's hoping....

Wahhh! Eirian is so nervous! It has to get accepted! Eirian sends much love to Jen! kiss

Eirian surreal
AWESOME news! I knew this set had the stuff to make it in! 8D

And about the water... yeah. I used to absolutely abhor the idea of drinking it. But when I saw that my weight and body fat percentage was "clinically obese", my mind changed real quick.
Hey, I'm gonna make a blog posting, here.

Well, there ya go.


Alright, alright. Maybe I should, I dunno, introduce myself or something. My name is Jen, and I am 27! I'm a photographer from Baltimore, and an SG photographer hopeful. Umm.. yeah, I suck at this sort of thing.

I suppose I need to figure out how I'd like to use this blog....
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Holy crap! You startled the hell out of me! 8D

Hahahaaa... you hate Banality. >=D No wonder we don't hang out as much, anymore!
Woh! I was shocked too! Use it for SG related posts. Start talking with people, and we soooo need a SG photographer in MD area! There are a lot of girls who would probably like to work with you. Try Diedre, Cairo, Mnislahi, Ryker, and Engima. See if they are interested. This site is really fun...I know you will love it. Lets keep our fingers crossed on the set acceptance. oink

Love ya!

Eirian surreal