two weeks first unit dead wood fucking riot!! ARRR!!!
Hey, when is Morgan supposed to be coming out here? I can't seem to ever get a hold of her...

Hope all is well with you smile
I don't wanna go and party
I don't wanna shoot the pier
I don't wanna take the doggie out for a walk
I don't wanna look at naked chicks and drink beer
I don't wanna do a bong load and go and wrench on the car
I don't wanna go and hose the dogshit down
Cause i ain't even gonna get out of bed
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at teh mother fuck'n house of blues and it was one of the best fuck'n shows i've ever seen those salty fuck'n geezers don't fuckaround ever.

I have, know and forever believe in overkill, that and i've got a couple of days on gilmore girls,, lame ARRR!!!
You are working on Gilmore Girls?! See, I must be super lame cause I think that is cool, lol tongue
finally got some work, and it may turn into a regular 3-4 days a week gig.

i think i'm gonna catch a mid afternoon showing of trans america it looks pretty sweet, i like sundays but it looks like monday is gonna be spent hustling for work.
back to work and life is really fucking good, now if the patriots will just sign adam vinetari, i could probably sleep better at night. breakfast at house of pies, olympic hockey, party at earaserheads, fuck'n sweet man.

or, bad fish eqwuals bad night. bok (because thier is no fish)
Sounds like you had a good weekend! smile
thanks for the comment on my set!! love blush
i love skullmotorhead skull

i do not love valentines day
Can't make it to the Pitzer media thing tonight, but I will most likely be at the White Horse tomorrow with koala. You should come hang out.
hey it was cool meeting you tonight, next i hope i will be able to actually talk to you more... :o) you should come out to the party me and my husband are having saturday...
january is the bleakest industry period ever, non of my non union friends are working steady until febuary, and if i wasn't union i would have only worked 3 or four days this month. luckly i got three nights on fast and the furious III, they recreated a large five point tokeyo intersection in the back parking lot of the best buy in atwater village,...
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Wow! I saw them doing all that stuff downtown...Making it look like Tokyo and everything...Was that for the Fast and the Furious III?

Good luck with everything!
Hey thanks smile
yesturday was the first day i was officially on the books for 728. and keanu reeves was on set all day, fucking neo dude.

anyway i didn't do much just ran around an 18k, but the grips ahd a couple cool getups, a 30x50 silk suspended from a champion crane and a 30x60 green screne strung out on a truss rig, other then that it...
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That is so bad ass dude! Congrats! I still can't believe you were around Keanu Reeves and that you might get to work on Spiderman 3! Awesome.

GO PATS! biggrin
I know the Pats lost. It was a very sad day for all us fans frown

Good luck with your work! smile
one of the dancers at jumbo's played simple man by lynard skynard last monday night, yea it's my new officail theme song.

a week ago wednesday i handed over 5 g's to the local, only half of it was mine the rest i got from cashing out a life insurance policy, but i'm offical as of december 15th and just in time for pilot season...
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Yes. Updated pics are always a plus! smile

I think you make a very good point about Damon and the Sox. I had never really thought about it that way...

I am so jealous that you get to chill with Morgan. I'm up in the Berkshires right now, but I will hopefully get to see her before I go back to LA. Maybe you will still be around too?

Have a great holidays man!
happy fuck'n thanksgiving ARRR!!!
football season
low budget feature with a suicidegirl
possible trio of german rap videos
5am calls to tthe union hall need some days need some cash

bought follow the reaper today cob kicks ass, went surfing for the first time last week gonna try netx week unless erin is in town, think i will become a new lander so cal surfer who moves to venice...
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I'm a 2nd AC. I've been in 600 for about a year. There is no way I could have been on this job if I wasn't in the union, it's a big studio feature. Good luck gripping! I've done those low budget features. My BF is a grip.
just finished a string of three low budget shows back to back to back, now i'm going home for ten days to decompress, shit. 12-14 hour days of minimum wage bullshit working for dp's and upm's who don't give a shit about the safety and sanctity of there crews man. But now that i'm taking time off i'm missing out on 2,500 bucks of work...
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so which swedish death metal bands do you like?