It's been a good weekend so far.

I went and saw Green Lantern on Friday. It wasn't that great. Mark Strong was the best part of that movie. I was disappointed.

Went to the zoo yesterday with Kim, Cassidy and Jason. We had a blast. All the animals were up and about. Jason was scared of the elephants. It was good times.
I'm taking my nephew swimming for the first time tomorrow. I'm excited. He loves to be in the bath tub so he should love the pool.

I bought waterproof diapers, a Batman bathing suit and suntan lotion. I picked up a floaty toy for him to sit in on the way home.

Should be good times.
No worries I don't have to many friends on PSN I could always use more biggrin
I really should be asleep. Like I'm barely keeping my head up asleep. I'll more thank likely wake up early afternoon lol. But that what the weekends are for biggrin
I had therapy today. It went good. First time I went since March. Did some catching up and Really started to get to the issue at hand. No solutions yet but it's coming.

I'm really feeling my way around this site. Getting better with it made some friends. It's nice.
Oops. I thought you said something else.... what do you mean what do I do crazy eye emoticon? smile
double post
I had a lazy Sunday.

Took a 3 hour nap. Woke up feeling like I needed a drink from a sippy cup.

Love days like this even though they're few and far between.
Good sunday!
Bounty is a tease.

Ceres is adorable. And has awesome nails.

Ana is going to the gym. Even though she doesn't need to.

The end.
Had a date tonight. We went to the cheesecake factory. Don't get their crabcakes. They suck. No taste.

I don't think it was a good date. I didn't find her interesting and the restaurant took all my money. She seemed more interested at my future financial plans now that I'm a lawyer then in me as a person.

Gold digger.

Oh well, back to the...
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Got my sisters graduation tonight. It's gonna be hot considering I'm in a suit and tie. That's not gonna be fun but I'm proud of her.

I had my brothers graduation last night. Graduations expensive!
i've got an outdoor wedding to go to at the end of july with a strict "all black" dress code. standing outside wearing black in the july sun doesn't seem much to look forward to, really.

good luck surviving the graduation...
It's been a good day. I learned that people are sensitive on this site so I gotta watch what I say. It just caught me off guard is all. Hopefully that ugliness is behind us.

I got tickets to see the Original 4 on sept 14th in Yankee Stadium. The original 4 are Anthrax, Slayer, Megadeath and METALLICA! Cost me $250 but it's so worth...
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I've got The Goon, Priest, Y the Last Man, Hack Slash & some Frank Miller stuff.
What choo got?
Good morning lovelies! Hope everyone is well.

I had a great day yesterday. I spent the day with my baby nephew. I took him in the pool. We had a blast.

This site is being more active. That's great. I hope it keeps up.
In the beginning it's kinda best to walk on thin ice around here. Certain types of comments and behaviors get noticed and attacked pretty vigorously. If your desire is to make friends and be an active and contributing member of this site I would definitely suggest keeping any negativity to a minimum until you really get the hang of how things work around here. Negativity can be a blast on SG but it's all about timing and context.
um, catflap did notice the comment, and also noticed you called her a "his". cheers.
Morning ladies. I hope every one of you lovelies is doing well.

This site is filled with nothing but horny guys. It's sad. The Masterbation group is the worst. It's just a bunch of guys going crazy over a few pics.

No one has any tips or experiences or anything like that.

I need to find some decent members to be friends with. So far...
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You know, I'm pretty open minded and positive myself but everyone has there limit and that picture was beyond mine.

If you find her sexy more power to you but I don't and that's all I said.

I wasn't being senseless at all.
That's the thing, it was senseless. You made a negative comment about the appearance of an overweight woman in a thread started to celebrate the beauty of overweight women. People on this site really don't appreciate that kind of stuff. I'm only saying this because of what you said in your blog about wanting to get more active and make friends around here. Just some friendly advice from someone who has been around a very long time and seen how this site and the people on it work.