Well, I'm feeling much better now. My head is still a little stuffy, but other then that I'm doing fine. Best of all I didn't get really sick. I was able to avoid gettin gthe cough & sick stomoch that my brother has. I just had an annoying head cold is all. YIPPY!

I was able to find some cute glow in the dark books...
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Thanks for your comment on the news thread. I know what you mean about your great Grandma... it sounds almost like the exact same situation. Sad, isn't it? kiss
I feel like crap today, have for the past few days. I think I'm coming down with something. frown
I'm not lookign forward to this. It takes alot for me to get sick. I can take care of a house hold full of people with the flu with out getting it my self. FYI I never get the flu shots, let your body do it's work...
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How are you feeling now? Hope everything's ok.

I never did do the coloring book thing... but I'm still thinking about it. I'm trying to decide whether or not I should get something academic & grown up... like the Anatomy coloring book... or if I should go for something a little less mental.. like one of those BIG FAT COLORING BOOKS you find at the grocery store full of pillowy pictures of elephants and seals balancing balls on their noses.

The planets were aligned rather favorably over the last month.. and now they are moving into a sort of stagnant position.. so that a lot of people (myself included) have been somewhat gently nudged from their pedestals onto the ground in the doggy-style position (that would be the receiving end). Hopefully December will be a little better.


Let me know how you are.
I'm back.. I can't sleep and this day has been beyond wierd... at least in terms of my head. It's not operating correctly.

Congrats on the new tat, by the way. And on moving back to SF! When did you decide to do that?

I was looking at your pics... you're such a thinker. There aren't very many of us that think about the small things in big ways... and, you know, actually value that.


Feel well.
I got a new tattoo today!!! biggrin smile biggrin

Man, did that ever hurt! I got it on my back, right under the neck line. When Scott was working right over the spine, my left arm started t hurt. I mean alot. I can take a tattoo no problem & while he was on the right side it kinda just felt like he was scratching me. But when...
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I had more work done to my tattoo!!! Yippy!!!! biggrin
3 1/2 hours of fun. No really, I enjoy getting them done. The needle feels..... Well you can't compare it to anything.

I am looking to get a kanji tattoo on my back the next time I go to Outer Rhelm. So I might have more updates on the band & a NEW tattoo to show...
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i just saw that tattoo on your leg i think? that you posted in the tattoo group. it's AMAZING, what was your inspiration for that?
Yesterday I picked up some polymer clay. You know the kind that'salways used to decorate pot pipes, "hippy" beads & meany other very colorful things... yeah I'm tired right now... Thinking is not easy.
Today I learned an important rule. When you are cutting the clay with a razor blade, make sure to check that the blade is facing down THEN cut. Do NOT grab...
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I agree... tattoos are a huge turn on not only because they're just cool personal modifiers, but they're also a kind of rite of passage into a level of self acceptance. Like, you like yourself but you don't take your body too seriously. My dad is the only one that hates mine... everyone else really loves it, that knows about it (my grandparents are too fragile for that sort of thing). Luckily, my dad and I are very close.. so it's not an issue.

I almost think that people that don't have them have a kinda "virginity" about them... which, for me, tends to be a turn off. But who am I... I still only have a small one so far. smile

My purpose in life appeared in my Policy of Immigration class this quarter, but my entire life has been pointed in this direction already.. this class has finally put the fine point on what I have known all along:

-that I want to use my great fortune as an American citizen with a comfortable life to be able to help those in other countries that have less.

-that I love Latin American culture.

-that I am majoring in Political Science to be able to use it as a tool to work with the system to make change, rather than against it.

Prior to this class, I was going to apply to work at the UN's development program, or even the Peace Corp... but this road fills me with certainty and encouragement like no other. I never thought I'd feel this way.

(hahaha... you can tell I'm still in school because I outline everything)

I think your dream to open a deli is fabulous! Owning and operating a business is very hard work, and essential to our economy... so don't downplay it... What else are you into?
Well, as always today was yet another slow day. I got some more gift shopping done so at least that's taken care of. I'll be getting my tattoo finished this coming Friday. It's only Sunday, I can't wait that long!!
I'm sitting here trying to think of what to write... Wow, I guess it has been rather slow around here. Oh well. Lets see if...
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yikes - Christmas shopping. Any snow yet to go with it? I guess snow would sort of make me feel like twas the season... But really it just feels like spring instead of fall here. So wierd.

Can't wait to see your band all done!

Do you feel like everyone has tattoos.. or am I just getting that feeling from being on this site?
Today has been rather slow. One of the dogs made a chew toy of my shoes. I can still ware them but they are a bit messed up & stiff from the dog drool. frown
I watched the movie Rose Red today, not bad... very LONG. But not bad.
I have almost all my Christmas shopping done with. I have my Mom's birthday present but not...
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Yeah.. I did the move parallel with the family thing, too... but it turned out horribly and I moved back almost immediately... and then to San D. I bet it's cool moving to an entirely new coast, though. Snow will be interesting, eh?

Yes.. pomegranate on my back and I'm totally jonesing for the next one... just waiting for the cash to accumulate. Where did you get the idea for your band? Is it on your arm or leg?

My next tattoo is going to be... a surprise. I haven't told anyone yet, because it's hard to 'splain. But it'll be cool, that much I know.

I got some more work doen on my tattoo & it's looking really nice! I can hardly wait to get the whole thing finished up & healed. On the down side I don't have money left for tats. I enjoy getting them done so the lack of money is a bummer, but the big one is that I wount have any reson to stop by...
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I like your ink a lot! very cool

why are you in NC?
I went & had more work done to my leg tattoo. Had a few more faces put on, added color to some of what is already there & finished the 2 large faces in the back.
I'll put up some pics of them later right now they are kinda red & swollen. I'll wait untill after I get up tomarrow to take some pics of...
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I still don't know if my toe is broken. Yes I am a fool. whatever

I'm going to be getting some more work done on the new tattoo. I hope to have it done by either tomarrow or this time next week. I would like to have a few more small faces put on... but that would mean spending more money. Something I don't have much...
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