well, the evening is almost over. i worked earlier and sung lame happy birthday jingles to patrons at work.... wondering which side was worse to be on, being sung to by a bunch of out of tune waitresses, or being the out of tune waitress.... at least i was getting paid for it... and tipped ha ha. after work i went home and called the...
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I like the new pics!
well, another year went by. i made it. so at midnight i went to the macs, and rewarded myself with a wonderbar. and fuck, the guy that invented the wonderbar... a god. like seriously, the chewiness, the crunchiness, the chocolatiness, carameliness, sweetness, ugh, yum. well i might go curl up in bed with sav and sophie miao!! and doze off until morning comes and i have...
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thank you!
and kelowna is four hours east of van
oh what a night.... came home from work to a house full of good friends... and a 40 of gin sitting on the counter with my name on it... um happy birthday. drank a bunch, had a smooch session with my best friend on the patio, went and saw a band play at the fed, then of to the rippers to catch a show. and...
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te he... hi, i saw a little two hour film from a trip to italy and fell in love! i want to come out of my shell... and want to you to take me there.... see you soon??!?!!?!