god, it's been awhile. how's it? ;D
so, the ZOMBIECRAWL was interesting, from what I've been told...things have been up and down busy at work. there's been much movie and book goodness---i'm actually dressed as Clary, from the Mortal Instruments books, for Hallows. That's how much I liked those books. biggrin Yeah, I'm that kind of a dork.
My SBUX friend no longer works at the...
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K, the zombie goodness, here in SJ in the next 10 days, isn't a ZOMBIEWALK...it's a Crawl of the Dead, apparently. Oh for chris' sake people...do we really REALLY need to be this way? what SLG? you couldn't shell out the Cash to have it be a Walk? so you had to find something "new" or cheaper or create it yourself?


It's going to...
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When is August over with?!?! I am tired of the weirdness already. Merc, stop it! wink
Oh well, at least the weather is entertaining today, so far.

People crawling out of the woodwork, really High HIGHS, and really Low LOWS.

Methinks anxiety attacks and Cthulhu tummies & me don't get along very well at all. I need to stop that shit.

West of Shannon was good...
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I seriously doubt once again that I will be going to faire, but im not all that bummed about it...and yeah, winter in August, fun stuff eh?
After just reading a parody of TWILIGHT, I had to step a way from the PC, and take a deep breath. Ahh, k, that was uber funny. LJ is entertaining, and yet again, deceptivefilm rocks out in a thread. You, sir, are amazing.

This week has been tres long and a bit weird, in a funny haha & uhoh sort of way.

Worked 5 days--very...
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Work has been surprisingly good. I want to go see the Time Travelers Wife too.
leaving for Monterey in a few, with Michele.
I've been up since 5am. ahhhh....zombieCarla.

THE SIGNAL was quite fun. Glad to have finally seen it. liked the wee short gore flick, too.
watching SUPERNATURAL has turned into a fun evening event, aussi.

Grant's back from San Diego--he had a great time, and apparently, he picked the right costumes, as he was one of the few...
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Hey if your ever in downtown Los Gatos come say hello! Im at Domus.
new photos...well, they are old...like three years old, but still, we just managed to upload them! wink
speaking to a lady...nothing serious. mostly still figuring that out still. we'll see what happens.
Litha was light and relaxed for us...nothing much other than that, really. So many plans have fallen through, due to $$ issues, and scheduling, etc.
Still planning on going to DM (squee!), which should...
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don't mind me just playing in net traffic on the subject of twilight rented it with the intentions of making fun of it but was suprised
Life has been pretty stessfull, hence the brainfry! I take it you have been busy too, I havent been updating as much...where was that pic taken at?
Ye gods, has it really been that long since I've been on here?
Well, the GB show was awesome. Very Very cool, and I can't wait to see them again. I danced a lot. Wore my b/w creepers and got stompy, whilst looking like Donna Reed. Sweet.
Drank a huge and tasty beer@99 Bottles just before hitting up the show, aussi. Try out Siamese Twin,...
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OMG you're a rennie too!!!!!!!
Yeah, right now I have so much going on anyway that looking for someone is once again on the backburner. We were supposed to go to the pirate festival this weekend but that got canceled

Happy Litha! - but it sure doenst feel like summer does it?
It's not as hot as it was over the weekend, thank the gods, but it's still nice. I actually got to feel a couple of drops of rain, whilst reading out on a bench, after class this afternoon. T'was rather lovely.

The Camp Wellstone retreat was fangtastic. So glad I went. Uber excited and empowered and feeling all Learn'ed like. Woohoo!

GOGOL BORDELLO this coming...
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I guess we will have to figure out another way to go about it...but I have never really flirted with women in RL, so I am nervous about that.
3x's! wow...I think I do want to go see it again, but I dont know if we will, its so expensive...we went to the early bird matinee and paid $6 for each ticket....besides, there are a bunch of movies coming out that I want to go see.
Happy belated Beltaine! Are you Cali Folks enjoying the Weather? Muggy, only slightly cold, and slippery on occasion. I am enjoying it, partially.
WOLVERINE rocks, go see it. No decent trailers, except for maybe Transformer part deux.
New Tori album has potential--'Maybe California' has a good vibe. I'm thinking it's a Scarlet's Walk throwback.
more to say but no time to say it...tah!
New job potential opening up. Michele has an interview up here, whilst I am at work, so I can't watch her munchkin. Shawn is doing stuff for his parents. I hope that she gets a sitter. frown
still debating on moving, and paying rent and etc, etc....we'll see what happens.
I'm getting more from the State than the Feds, and it's been YEARS since that happened....
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I might have to look that up. I used to go to renfaire all the time with my ex, but I havent gone in over two years. Havent had the money, and I really dont want to run into him there.
Cool new pics. And yeah, things will get better, I'm sure. Just been a hard week with lots of ups and downs.