YAY its sunday and I have the day off woot woot

ok who in the hell says woot woot anymore?

well anyway im about to go pick my girl up and go shopping... weird I know me excited over shopping but it happens lol smile
So I went and saw 1408 in the movie theaters last night.

Not a bad movie at all really surprised me how good some of Stephen Kings books can turn out to be really good movies... not many have lol. But anyway im going to be working all day which is going to suck really bad cause I would much rather be with my Girlfriend...
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So I just got up and now I have to go back to HELL a.k.a. the DMV. God I hate sitting in the lines there why the hell couldnt they just renew my damn license the other day how fucking hard could it be?

But whatever ill play their games for now... ill take them my stupid birth certificate... I better get a bad ass...
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I can never sleep

I just sit here stare at the tv and play with my IPod

they should make a SG IPod cover that would be some bad ass shit love
Well my baby just left and im kinda sad now frown but its ok ill see her tomorrow and I think we are all going bowling with some of her friends from work...

So let me vent for a minute on the DMV those assholes since my drivers license was one day expired they want my birth certificate and what not... what kinda shit is that?...
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Woot my girlfriend is on her way I cant wait to see her I have been missing her so much today its sad lol.

Im such a loser I post way to much on this site... eeek
i'm thinking some bright colors.. like red and yellow and blue....rainbow hahaha

God I hate the DMV

they suck major ass mad

so anyway I cant wait for my baby to get off work so we can cuddle hold hands and be really cute together and all that stuff

that and maybe go catch a movie
I'm doing okay! You are so sweet to your girlfriend that is awesome...do you live by Virginia beach?
So im still really bored I have browsed around the site and looked at all the amazing girls on here... but yet have I found anyone to talk to yet... ugh o well

Well I just fucking rolled out of bed and its only 8:50 in the morning and im tired as shit and bored already. What a great way to start the day huh?

Well on another note my birthday was yesterday and it was AMAZING all thanks to my amazing Girlfriend. None thanks to my parents... I really am starting to think my mother is scared...
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Hi im 20 I have loved the Suicide Girls for a long. I have the book and both DVD's but have never got a subscription till my 20th birthday actually and the reason being is cause my Girlfriend recently got accepted.