I wish I could just shut off my brain and let things happen.
Sitting in Salt Lake waiting for my connecting flight to Spokane.
Sometimes I wonder while I ignore the good and dwell on the bad.
So my dad is still in the burn center. They decided to hold him another night for observation. Most of the damage is in the nose. Only exterior damage is around nostrils and upper lip.

So after talking to my dad last night i found out what happened. He was in the garage using they grinder when a stray spark went up his nose. Well...
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im a little confused by your comment....as far as i remember i didnt make any sort of comment about october being the month for break ups....hmm. Did i offend you in anyway, it's just that i dont know what to make of your comment.. frown
and im sorry about your dad, i hope he feels well soon!
Never a good sign when the fire truck you're following stops in front of your house. Dads O2 line caught fire, setting his face on fire.
Well, I have Bettis again. Hopefully things will go better this time around. I'm keeping him in a crate while I'm at work.

Speaking of work, its busy again. Back to working 6 days a week. Im not too excited about this. I mean the money is good but i just hate the fact that i (and the others in the shop) are taking up...
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So i just returned Bettis back to his old owner. Its only temporary. He kept "going" in the house while i was at work. My dad will be back in town in a few weeks, so i will get him back when my dad returns. My dad will be able to let him out during the day.
oo he is so cute biggrin
Home doing nothing is most likely the plan for my birthday