Been a few days since I wrote anything. Not like I do anything exciting anyways. Hello to you all
Hey there,
Had a visit at the midwife yesterday, and I am still pregnant... Damn it. I swear this baby has over stayed her welcome. even tho my due date isnt for another 19 days.
Anyways I really have nothing interesting to talk about since I just lay around and wait for this pregnancy to be over with. Hope you all are having more fun...
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There have been a lot of multiple sets going up lately. Not a bad thing just been noticing that.

Well I got my test results back for my Iron, and I went up from 29.2 to 33.6 which is totally awsome cause now I can have the baby at the birth center. We have an appt tomorrow. Ill let yall know how that goes.

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Still trying to get my house organized. Got the kitchen almost all the way done. I am so proud of myself. I cleaned out the cupboards and threw away a bunch of junk. Friday we re arranged the bedroom. That was fun concidering we have a Cali King waterbed. LOL we had to drain it and then move the bed and then re fill it...
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Hey Everyone

Been a few days hu? Had a doc appt yesterday everything is going well. We did a blood draw to see if my Iron levels have gone up. Cross your fingers for me. I need it to be above 30 so I can have the baby at the birth center like I want to.

Nothing else is really going on in my life....
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i'll keep my fingers crossed for ya. wink

and that smell you described.............i live for it! biggrin
Last Night we went and saw the Fantastic 4. It was a pretty good movie lotta laughs. Had to get a babysitter of course, thank gawd the neighbors daughter wasnt doing anything, My hubby and I havnt been on a alone date in a LONG time. ANd she dont charge to much either so that was cool. Things to do today..... Notta damn thing. Might...
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oog.. i wanna see that movie too.. jessica alba in that hot suit is like love love
almost as hot as you.. kiss kiss
Hi, I haven't been around so much lately. Strange dream. I'm always in a little bit of danger. I'd like to go see that movie too. Frank is going home for a few weeks and I'm staying here. So if my friend can get an ID card we could both come visit you. I'd like to see you all pregnant and stuff. He's leaving on the 15th of this month. I'll try to stay in touch more.
Its been a few days since my last update. I am still pregnant. So dont go thinking I was having a baby lol. ho i wish i was. we had a good fourth and my husbands birthday was kinda shitty cause he had to work. Today i am going to do laundry so i am all caught up. Since the washer broke i gotta do...
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nice to know that you're doing good smile
and i still love you kiss
i took a day off a few days to do the dishes haha.. LAME
34 weeks of being pregnant really is a long time dont you think. My midwife said that the baby is normal size but will prolly deliver at the same weight or right around as the other three so here comes another 8 to 9 pd baby. hopefully we will be able to have her three weeks early at least that is my goal. got another...
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God bless you for having the strength to bear children. I just cannot fathom it right now. Today, Frankie and I were talking about it and I told him five or six years. He thought I was joking. I'm just so not ready.
Sunday we were able to buy a second vehicle. We got us a 04 Chevy Blazer. Its pretty nice. Then Monday by little brother who was supposed to stay the summer with us. Well he took my Camcorder to the skate park, after i told him no. They apparently crashed while trying to skate with it and scratched it all up. Then he wanted to...
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I can't live without a baby name book because I like to know random information. I like to write. So, I like to know what names mean (just cause). And names give me ideas. That's why I can't live without a baby name book.

We like milk here too.
I promised Frankie I'd spend the week with him. I spent all of last week running around playing without him. Tuesday of next week I'm off (hopefully), and every other day I'm off after about one o'clock.

Just give me a call.
Getting ready for bed. Tomorrow were gonna go see if we can get rid of our Van. Prolly wont be able to but oh well. We will try anyways. Still ready to be done being pregnant. Getting more and more uncomfortable every day. Hope your all well hugs n kisses
The one thing that would piss me off if I was pregnant would be the whole no drinking, smoking, drugs thing.......
That much sobriety can drive anyone insane. mad
BTW....you are such a metalhead, aren't you? smile
Ok update time... Since my last post was so negative. Things have been better. We had a long talk when he got home... turns out I am a idot he didnt even drink when he went out and was only got for like fourty five minutes. I hate it when I over exadurate n stuff. Yesterday was our two year anniversary. He suprised me with...
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Well i got woke up at 1230 my husband is out drinking now, I hate this being pregnant bullshit and the unthoughtfullness of not even asking if i would like to go with, its like i am plagued with a fuckin disease, I hate life right now and i want to puke all over i been crying for a half hr now What the fuck...
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Men suck. I know how it feel minus the pregnancy... I hope that you are doing well w/ that.
I don't think you'd be a drag to have out, and prego or no, you're still invited. I'm glad you had a good anniversary. Frankie's shipping out again in November. So, he missed our 1st anniversary and he'll miss our 2nd. God bless the army, hooah.