He's still kind of in my head. Sometimes I start to feel bad because I think I might play with his feelings on purpose. Then I realize, "Shit, I know I do!"

I do that shit on purpose like every day.
Serves me right if I scared him away.
I love it how they still say I seem so innocent.

Back from Vegas and the Bay. What a trip.

Bigger, badder, more magnificent.

I need air.

My reasons are:
1. The smoke
2. My controling grandmother
3. She wants me to quit my band
4. My poor vocal chords
5. These next couple days could get very monotonous

I don't know if I can go anywhere because:
1. My controlling grandmother supports me
2. She doesn't want me to go anywhere
3. I'm almost broke, not a good...
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San Diego's Burning Down

What should I do??
Leave while the freeway is still open and I still can?
Stay and hold it down till I get evacuated?

Help! Advice please
Mental Health Day

School is canceled because of the fires nearby.

I'm so glad to be friends with everyone again. Well, almost everyone. Finger fucked on the back of the bus bitch. haha jk but not really.

We love our bread
We love our butter
But most of all
We love eachother
"Blogging is indulgent."
She said it first, I just agreed. Then again, so is chocolate.
That gives me an idea. I will trade indulgences to maintain the gluttanous balance in my life.

Suicide Girls Diet:
1.Substitute chocolate with SG whenever possible
2.Kiss more boys
3.Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day

Sounds like a plan.