Firstly, yes, I say EH like a Canadian. In fact, while reading that last sentence out loud, I said "Yes, I say eh like a Canadian eh?"


So anywhat. I'm not normally one for sports. I watch the hockey playoffs sometimes, but it's a rare thing and I'm quite surprised to find myself so glued to the Hockey game.

Anyone else got a sport...
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has been twitching for 2 hours. trying to find a funny parallel to explain how ridiculous I look right now...


So thanks to about 10 words shared on this site I'm now in the middle of a full blown Star Wars kick and have decided the impossible: Read the full chronicle of books. Starting with Dawn of the Jedi - into the Void. Yes, back when is was the Je'daii Order.

Sigh... This might take a while


So it's been a great long weekend on my end of the world. My Friday essentially consisted of getting up, refusing to change out of my PJs, and seeing how much of a Borderlands body count I could rack up.

Saturday had me joined about 13 member of my family for our annual taffy party. We all get together, have a nice scavenger hunt, eat...
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First time taking my coffee black in three years. cant tell if I hate black coffee or judt this nasty nabob stuff


Dear Sinners and Saints,

During my last blog I took a look at quite possibly my favorite video game of all time. This week, we will take a look at a game I absolutely love, and you will too. I promise you. Right now. Now I'm not a liar and I don't plan on ever becoming one, so let's a take a look at what...
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Dear Sinners and Saints,

I've been doing some thinking lately about maybe starting up a little blog where I talk about my favorite tabletop games or books and I figured Why stop there? There's loads I love to talk about, video games being one of my greatest loves in life, and so why not use this as my way of just voicing my thoughts? So...
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Love this!! I was just writing my own for TGD ☺️ I promise not to yoink this from you 😉