Hey smexy..spanx for stoppin by and showing me some luv!
Missing on you! kiss
Nice new pic hun smile
Just got back from the movies. I was bored, it has been raining all day here in SO. Maine and I decided to hit up a show. So I went to see Lockout, it was pretty good funnier than I thought it would be. As a physicist I had a few problems with some of the science, but I stilled enjoyed it.
Watching Mad Men...
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Merci ! kiss
So have been back in the ME area for about a month and a half. I am working in a different area in my code at the shipyard. I won't be spending as much time on the subs if any, but that is okay I like my current position though and all my co-workers, some old navy guys, if you ever worked with a group...
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6 a.m. Come on get up and go to work you can do it.
Thank you so much for the love and support on my set! kiss
So much is going on right now. I am really going to have to catch up my blog this weekend.
good things?
I hope they area ll wonderful things. smile
Happy New Year SG.
Now the question is do I do the responsible thing a get ready training at work this coming week or do I go into DC and party a lttle for the New Year. I do have to go up to DC tomorrow anyway so maybe I will head up early.
Just a little never hurts. ARRR!!!

Happy New Year!!
Today is my birthday haven't had a chance to celebrate got a big test in training at work tomorrow that I am not ready for so I have been studying all day or at least trying to. I have to postpone any celebrations to tomorrow maybe go out to dinner.
Wow I'm soo sorry i missed your birthday. frown Happy Belated Birthday Love!!!! XoXoXokiss
Well I think I am getting pretty settled here in Portsmouth, Va. I have my first big test in training tomorrow morning I should probably be getting some rest right now. I think I will do some reviewing a for a little while and then relax. I will catch up with everyone soon.


Rip Heavy D

and of course

takes me back to high...
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Rip Heavy D

and of course

takes me back to high school...sigh you will be missed.
starting the 12 hour drive to Portsmouth, VA smile
Have a safe trip! smile
So tomorrow morning, early I head to Portsmouth, Va to start almost 6 months of training. I am going to miss the New England area a little.
Oh before I forget I want to say sorry to that couple who chat date I accidentaly interupted last Tuesday in the Batman group chat room. I had just finished watching the the new animated movie "Batman: Year...
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I'd love to make someone swoon. lol biggrin
And thank you. smile