What's the time? For me it's 2:25am Tuesday morning...


So many creepers posting and commenting on all the SG's and Hopeful's profiles... Just ease up a little guys.


Heading back to my old home town for a quick visit later today, catch up with Mum and Friends... Then head home and prepare for the FREE YOUR MIND tour on Thursday (Northlane, Thy Art Is Murder, Volumes, Veil Of Maya, Make Them Suffer) so keen! And then... Friday I have a job interview for a mangers position! BRING IT ON!


Woo Hoo account is working again! Hopefully it stays working this time.


Finally went though and updated my profile, now I would like to find some members, SG girls and SG hopefuls to follow.

Australian metalhead, with a great appreciation of tattooed and pierced women.