I mean... damn... between being sick, working 50 hours a week, playing music, writing screenplays, drinking, smoking, and the occasional sleeping, I feel like I'm kinda overextending myself... anybody good at juggling??? plus it turns out that the girl I was seeing turned from monogamous to promiscuous is the flutter of a hummingbird's wing... at least I've got my health... oh no... wait... whatever
so this girl that I'm very platonic about decided to come and spend her birthday exclusively with me instead of hanging out with her friends back home...and she calls me 3 times a day...and she's wanting to stay here with me about 3 days...she's never visited me at my home before...her roommate broke my heart...what does this all mean??? whatever surreal
today I accidentally (no, seriously) told my friend's girlfriend's friend that my friend went and had coffee with this hot girl that asked him out at work the other day only to find out that my friend had in fact taken the girl that asked him out back to his place and fucked her all night... he frowned... like... a big frown... isn't life funny??? whatever biggrin
surreal oh my.....
programmed responses are eating away at my soul... I just don't know how to feel anymore... I'm tired of all of these fucking corporate enemas... frown
I dont believe there is a predetermined way to feel an any point and time, so how could you ever "know" how to feel? Somebody commenting on your post is probably the last thing you wanted so I'll be on my way, you should comment back if you are not completely offended.
of course there's never a right or wrong way to feel... but I do believe that our feelings have as much to do with our lives paths as much as our actions do... and I'm not so sure my instinctual feelings have been leading me in a positive direction... not such a bad thing per se... just feel I need to take inventory of my life... you know...
school semester's over (why do I still bother), promotion at work (crashing the system from the inside), quitting the second job... I'm going to re-discover what its like to have free time... my goal is to drink a lot more... hope I can accomplish that...