Wanna expand your mind and learn something for once?

Watch the movie Magic Weed.

It's way more than you have ever learned in a classroom... it's an awesome history of the Hemp and Cannabis plant.

It can save the world people... and if you ask me, this world needs saving....

~Legalize it.
I've seen alot of really bad movies about Hemp. I'll have to check it out.
Excellent recommendation, dear. You even mentioning it shows the wisdom you've gained.

Also, read "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by Jack Herer, and anything by Dr. Lester Grinspoon...

And feel free to join me in SG|420 & SG|MM. Class is always in session...


I saw THE BEST MOVIE EVER tonight.

Superbad... Is Super awesome.

I have never laughed so hard, infact I need to see it agan, just to hear the lines that were funny that I missed because I was laughing so hard with everyone else.

Totally awesome funk soundtrack, and the movie was worth my 8.75 a peice to get in.

Canada tommmrow, I'll have wireless...
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Gonna have to watch it now!
Have fun smile
maybe I should check it out
wasn't so thrilled with the trailer but you never know
smile -peace
I got my new camera!

photos soon... just a few more days!

My birthday was yesterday, I'm 19 now. Canada this weekend. yay!

~Legalize it
MY birthday is in 5 days!

Went to a family BBQ this weekend. Like always it was fucked up and disfunctional.

Lets just say my dad has a Camero that he always has promised will be mine. The Camero was bought by my mom before she died. It was named after her infact... it was a 68, so... 68 kate!

Funny story, dad's new wife...
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