Ever met some one so in tune sexually and just never here from them again...legit sad right now...went out for drinks but ended with me being in a emotional state. I reached out asking to why she ghosted to get some closure. I don’t want to be a creep but I do want to improve myself if I had said or did something wrong...


i must admit i have been gone for sometime, and i haven't reviewed any sets in such a long time. haha i would just stare and study the photo just to see what i would compliment you wonderful ladies. well here is a short story of what has happened these last two months. i got a new car, i went to disney world with the...
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so i enjoyed my night xD i got drunk as shit...i fell asleep while gambling, thats how drunk i was xD but here is a photo of me being a goof ball and me in an ugly sweater...i fucking appreciate this sweater, not only is it badass it was a gift from my step sister! anyways enjoy your sunday you lazy fucks :)

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i feel like my mentality is on a loop...i cant let go of it and i feel obsessed. it saddens me a bit but ugh time heals all wounds...going out tonight in hopes i can let go, and maybe the club can cheer me up.