Top of the news in Jeff's world:

Been going to school, yet I dropped two classes this week, so it leaves me with just my art class and an English class.
Going to buy a Telecaster nextweek, wish I would have bought one a while back when I had the money, now I have to save my checks.

My ex that cheated on...
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Fuck a bush? biggrin

Umm, you drool on yourself? wink
FOUR girls? NAUGHTY...
YAY!!!! Dillinger Escape Plan is coming to LA in august. I missed them when they last played frown but its cool, now I have a date for their next show...........wish they could make it sooner, but oh well. and also their new album is supposed to be out soon, but I have not heard the new singer yet.............I heard is good, but not better then the...
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What's on the list for the record store...?
dude, fuck ska. i TOTALLY FUCKING HATE IT. i have for a long time now, so that show sucked ass. it was pretty much, its free why the hell not, ya know? and seriously, youre so lucky DEP comes to yr town. minneapolis is too small for them apparently...
Very very tired right now, and my day is not over until 12:30 since I still have to go to work. I think I will go to sleep after this.
What the fuck..........................His hair..........................that fucking hair.........................., sorry, carrot-top is on tv, and his fucking hair is annoying me.................he is one ugly dude, haha.
uummmm, yeah
Im gonna go to sleep.
Hello everyone............

its nearly 1am here in LA, and I have to be up for school in about 5 hours frown ....................my spring break is over...............oh well, fun while it lasted, just worked for a week, which wasn't bad.

Saw Kill Bill Vol. 2 twice this weekend, once with my pal J-Mal at like midnight on friday, I did not get home till 4, then I...
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dammit i really need to see the kill bills, don't i?
No YOU rule! Haha!

Did you see Walls of Jericho this weekend? Are you into them?
BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH...................................................I have nothing to write tongue
I worked till 4am the other day, it was actually cool, time flew by and i did not have to work with the public. I watched that movie crossroads lastnight, and I have not seen it in a long ass time. Anyway I love the battle with Steve Vai, OMG I learned Eugene's ending solo.............is actually easy, but play it hella fast, and it sounds...
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i guess i was sorta thinking he was scared too...
im not really sure though. its just too bizarre for me to comprehend at this point. im thinking of just throwing myself at him continuely until he's just like "FINE!"
we'll see...
heh, I thought you were talking about that britney spears movie...

Thought I would write something finally, since I vanished for like a week and a half, How is everyone?

I almost died yesterday, that would have been something, to die the same day Jesus did, but only I would not have mad an impact. Anyway, I was with my friend Jay, and he has the shittiest car in the world, no sterio, windows...
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4 hours a day for 5 days? I want your job.

Oh, yeah... I'm glad you're not dead. smile
one thing that has always freaked me out was the idea of my hood popping open while i was driving. now im scared again...
but i dont have a car right now so im ok for at least a couple weeks...
dont you hate it when you dont know what you want for dinner?
Another day passes by.........................Another atempt at LOVE!!!
I finally started my job at Albertson's grocery store today.................easiest job in the world, compared to my 30 min photo job, this is pie, just bag stuff, and help customers out and get shopping carts for 6 hours.
Well, cool thing is, its easy, and I only have to work like 3 days a week, and I work with two of my cousins, my cousin...
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