Today, I came face to face with a very disturbing fact that is most definitely real and true.

My life is empty.

Needless to say, I'm not thrilled about this truth, but I see it for the reality it is.

Contemplation is a mysterious mind-maze.

No comprende.

In other news: My backspace key on my mac powerbook is now completely GONE. The little rubber buttun underneath and everything. Now I must press down firmly on the circuit itself for it to work.

In more other news: Robbe Williams would be a cool guy to hang out with and cause trouble.

Yo-k. Thats all.
Robbie Robertson and Neil Young, I mean come on they are Native americans and play a mean guitar!
I was gonna say- now its Friday.

But its not. Its Thursday and I didn't just 'miss' a whole day.

So yeah.

Uh huh.

Sangre Azul. Blue Blood. I love the sound of Sangre Azul. Mysical. Enchanting.

Yeah. Thats all.
First thing first:

Fuck all the fake people out there. Or rather, 'don't' fuck the fake people. They'll fuck themselves plenty to go around.


We are born.

We live.

We die.

These are certainties that exist within every living organism.

What if you could 'choose' when you die, how you die, why you die, even...IF you die?

The 'what if's' of the world are...
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I'm sorry but I don't see how the two connect
fine then. I'm not fake and there's plenty of fucking me over and nowhere near enough fucking.
Deus vult!

No clue how that came into my head, but it did.

"God wills it!"- ????

I dunno. Free will, etc..... Not sure God 'wills' anything.

Random post #56,675!

vobis cum vi sit

bwa ha ha ha
Is everything ok?
Fuck everyone and everything. Fuck the tallest peaks and the bottomless oceans. Fuck hope and fuck dreams and fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

How quickly we are tossed aside for new toys and joys. How quickly we are forgotten. How quickly we are left behind to listen to our thoughts....alone in our own darkness...

How soon they forget the moments.....

awww....sorry you feel that way baby. Sorry I fell asleep by the way...but I can't find my meds and generally I am a wreck...but on the brighter side of things I have regained my ability to have a crushing orgasm.

How easily we become that which we once despised.

How easily we forget our past morals and forge new ones.

How easily we look in the mirror and forget the person the face that looks back at us once was.

How easily things all go awry and life gets in the way of life.

Street philosophy lesson for the day. wink
I am what I am and not what i'm not.

Based on that, i'll try and i'll fail and i'll try and succeed. What happens, when it happens, will happen.

Sometimes, just sometimes.....it really is better to cash out than stay in hoping for more.
Thanks for testimonial!!! kiss kiss