Dont we dance in Kansas City
We dont dance in Kansas City
Were a sleepy bunch
we do a lot of sleeping
we pick a star and settle there
If we move at all, its only to protest the need for movement
the stupidity in it,
the lack of jazz
the embrace of fundamental physics too much for us
We cant dance
we cant control...
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I rock
and roll all day
Giant relics collapse around me
and million $ merchandise is sold
at half price, Because ceremony
is useless / circumstance
is everything

When I landed in the place
I knew I was doomed to regret

"Get in the car" I said. "I'll call the stripper"
We can handle anything
as long as she brings
nope no sob stories here just pissed at the condition of morons whod rather hire anyone but someone whod really bust their ass given something worthwhile rather than mundane because he wants to be worth something and has at least half the brain to back it up heh.
no no family to help out which stinks heh.
i woudl apply
ive tried actually
one of the dudes who was friendly to me before we lost touch
he graduated from the same place but in journalism
one of those you cant hate them charismatic friendly to everyone always peppy no matter what now married to hot equally prudish christian girl type lol
well anywho yeah hes the EDITOR of his paper
and said none around would hire me cus of lack of experience or whateve.r... no political internships oddly enough too (funny i thought internships were to gain experience not to hire people with it already? confused )
well yeah ive talked to a few places but they insist on journalism + writing courses which i dont have and damned well aint goin to pay more student loan money for a job that woudlnt be guaranteed but WOULD put me further in debt
pisses me off too. sometimes i just think its solely cus im liberal or not pleasant looking or something
they suck. i really wish i could honestly make them see how much better id be than the other guy/gal that always manages to steal the job from me based on having a better background heh.
hey i cant prove myself if im not given a chance can i?
beautiful old historic sexy musical dazzling naked new Orleans
theres no place to hide in this city
the concrete is everywhere
and the drinks just flow down the streets
tourists ride a wave of alcohol from bar to bar
and i wave to our innocence as it passes by

**** I'm living in New Orleans now its great so far awesome weather great food and...
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Happy Birthday, Pal!! Hope all is well in the Big Sleazy.

Oh yeah, my group's website:

her white dress
was a secret
everyone knew it
The fire was a dead giveaway
Idols burned all night
ash covered everything
but nothing .....
was hidden

************************ word up my homies i leave today to move to New Orleans i will probably not be on SG for a while until i get situated in my new place so ill get ahold of...
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[Edited on Aug 26, 2004 12:03AM]

She was entertainer of the month
spoke in lugwrenches
Danced in double fuel injected
Fell whenever you mentioned Tulsa
or suicide

chiggity check yourself before you wreck yourself- i mean
check this

anyone who is in the Clevelandarea
come to Jillians in the Flats Saturday at 5 pm
it will be my last SG Ohio/Cleveland event (sniff sniff) for the foreseeable...
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She was hiding from the winter
in a bathing suit
Trying to drive to Milwaukee
buying maps of Indonnesia
She quit dancing
by falling down

Everything was extreme
and ineffective
You definitely should. Let me know, and maybe we can meet and hang out at Beerland or Cucaracha. Those are fun places!
this is very strange. I left a comment on this entry. and the one before. and now they are gone... hmmm... whatever happened? I am very confused-like. anyway.

your comment, as always, was sweet, and I do not retract my statement about you being my favorite person on the site that I have made friends with.

nude basketweaving usually occurs between the hours of 4-10 PM when I am most likely to become bored. if you would like to join in the fun, I welcome you to!

I took some photographs today. if you want to take a gander you may. they are in my pics folder. whoo dee whoo. I appreciate your photographer feedback. though, I am not trying to be professional... so they kind of suck.
Jessica laughed
mocking her co-workers
her laught was rude, not jovial
her clothes were too tight
I wasnt sure what i liked about her

she was attractive, aggressive also
I think i liked
the way she held
her hands
nails glistening

She seemed like a painting
something a great artist made up
creating a smile
with a few brush strokes
brought to life
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writing is cool. wink

When the phone rings
my heart takes off
sending blood at amazing speeds
to every inch of my body
forcing me to smile
it races, battling to get out of its cage(rib)
So I answer the phone
but it's not her
and my heart dies, slowly again
tonight like too many nights

so you just leave the same thing typed up there all the time or? confused
your honest words and unique style,
remembered because they make me smile.
appreciated advice, it's right and true
tell me how things are with you...
Religion 101

They bury the Jehovah's Witness
in Northwest Ohio

Down the road they sell pumpkins

I fly through lookin'
for a nice girl who doesn't exist

Volunteer Village Fire Departments
save cats all day
