Another day another dollar, Haven't got anything new to say but I think I'm addicted to Tombraider Legend
What is your job like?
The Tragedy of Winter Solstice

The full moon rises,
It's light reflecting off crimson snow,
The Crow caws thrice in sympathy,
Upon the scene below,
A maidens hands stained with blood,
She kneels tearfully over the man she loves,
His eyes are dull and dead,
His spirit now free to depart,
Given flight by the cruel cold dagger,
Which he laid rest into his heart,...
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Hoping to get my ear pierced soon gonna call some places to get some pricing
Cool...where in your ear?
If you really want to know about me look at my myspace as you can see I didn't have enough space to put in all my info
The Last Thoughts of The Assassins Lover

You offered me your saving grace

And I put my heart in your hand

But you threw it back in my face

Now you have this gun to my head

Your silence is the ice cold bullet in the chamber

Youve pulled the trigger and left me for dead

Why have you become this heartless stranger?

I wonder...
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Love truly is powerful........ frown
Fire Fights and Forever Mines

Your words are the bullets

Shot from the gun that is your mouth

Your lips are the trigger

And you aim right for my heart

One shot is all it takes

To make my world fall apart

Love is the battlefield

Life is the war

Take your shot baby

Cause youre the one Im waiting for

Say you want me...
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Emancipation of a Hemophiliac

I'm bleeding again

From these scars you've given me

I'll make the pain go away

You'll see

I don't need you

As the nights I cry myself to sleep become so few

You'll see

I don't miss you

Let these wounds of mine bleed

I'll stitch them back together again

I won't beg I won't plead

Slowly I'll heal

Till I...
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I see you've got one friend now!! HURRAY!!