Someone I work with died yesterday at work. That's pretty sobering.

I have nothing funny to add today.

The month from hell at work is over. We're now in our holiday maintenance freeeze, and it couldn't have come at a better time.

My new co-worker is worthless, though he's a really nice guy. Thankfully, the arrangement is coming at the time of year when I have the lightest workload, so I should be able to get through it. Hopefully I can get...
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I guess I could update this thing once in a while. I've been busy lately doing nothing productive at all. Beta testing a game I can't name due to NDA restrictions - it's like having a second job, but one I actually like. Also managed to finally kill my Xbox360. I think it was one of the last remaining launch day systems that hadn't broken....
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All settled at the new place. Everything is great so far. Got a new TV for the living room so I could keep the one from my old place in the bedroom.

I spent almost all of my free time for the entire last week playing Saint's Row. Good game. The ending of the game effected me far more than I was expecting. I guess...
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spelling is of the upmost importance, and i appreciate your support
hi we havent spoke in a bit, just wanted to say hi
Moved in a couple weeks ago, and finally have internet again. Still busy getting situated. It's nice to be out of the old house. I can breathe again. smile
thanks for the comment on my set smile xx
I think it was exhiliration over the new ink, and working with Cherry is superfun, and also, there's a little part in me that's an exhibitionist, if the timing and context is right. It just was that day!
I think I've thrown out about 20 times as much stuff as I've packed so far. I haven't had any need for this crap since I moved here, and It's pretty clear that I won't need it after I move out. There are a few useless things I just can't get rid of, but most of it... buh bye. If the trash men don't hate...
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thanks for what you said in my journal..I needed that. You kick ass
Yeah I'm going freshwater and thinking of getting some tetras (not sure what kind yet), angelfish, moonlight gourami and platy just to start with. I might put my male betta in and see what happens. If he does't get on I'll just take him out.
Packing time sucks. The only thing that sucks more than packing is moving time, which is inevitably right around the corner.

Oh well, I'll be out of a crappy living situation and hopefully into a somewhat-less-crappy one. The place I'm moving into is great, if expensive, and my new roomies include one of my best friends. Plus I'll be even closer to work (3 mile...
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Oh no, that was in no way connected to you. It's just some crap I'm dealing with at work. I don't want to discourage math debate... but I might have already by getting distracted and not remembering to respond to your last comment. (And for the record, I still maintain my position, but I'm too tired to go on a rant now tongue )

And good luck with the packing! Just think... it'll all be over in a few weeks anyway.
Thankyou for your help kiss
Sounds like your new place will be nice! Goodluck with the move. You're right, it's the worst!
Do you have a persistent idle thought? Something that pops into your head whenever you have absolutely nothing else on your mind, that stays there and lives for years and years. It means nothing and has no real significance to anything other than your conscious mind reminding itself that it is still awake. Mine used to be the Washington Bullets, but when they changed their...
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i have a strange thing to admit..i think of seinfeld constantly..and i dont really like the show to the degree at which i should be thinking of it constantly..when im lying in bed at nite, i think of plots and what i would have done if i wrote the show..etc really stupid shit..while im spaced out at work i think of Kramer..and it makes me wonder,if i dont think about it, what would mybrain be filled with instead?so yeah..im fucking nuts..you, you are ok.
I have a bunch of fireworks, but I don't think I'm gonna have any time to shoot them off this year. Silly job.

Maybe I'll sit out in the work parking lot firing bottle rockets at the Interstate that goes by our building.
Awww, thanks!
The literal answers to my #2 question:
For the first part, there is an infinite amount in the previously empty bucket, and the other bucket is now empty. (Any number you can name has already been put into the other bucket because the action was performed an infinite amount of times)
For the second part, both buckets have an infinite amount of balls. (One has 2,3,4,6,7,8... to infinity, the other has 1,5,10,15,20 to infinity)

When I was given the problem, it was to demonstrate that infinity isn't some static concept - there are several rates and sizes of infinity. And I actually prefer to think of the weirdness of infinity and nothingness while tripping. It makes me giggle a lot.

And I hope you were able to have fun with your fireworks yesterday! The day was made for irresponsible pyromania, after all.
holyfuckingcrap the sun came out this morning! I'm normally not a big fan of our bright yellow neighbor, but after spending the last 4 days in spin cycle, it's nice to get a few moments with our very own celestial dryer.

Even if the rain is supposed to return tonight...