I tried getting into the new season but I couldn’t get past the first 20 minutes of episode 1. Kim Kardashian is a terrible actress and ruins the show in my humble opinion. This is the second season that AHS has been terrible. Hopefully next season is better!
I agree entirely! I also just felt like it was a cheap grab at her fanbase to keep the series going 🫠 would’ve preferred not to have had the clash with a reality series “actress”. I heard some people loved her but I agreed I felt she was stiff in her line delivery (I.e. reading cue cards)
I would’ve cast someone like Carla Gugino who seems more the part of a powerful PR person. She was amazing in the Fall of the House of Usher.

I wish I could change my username without signing up for a new account. I’d love for all of my social media to be uniform across the board.


Just for shiggles, I bought Trader Joe’s Highland Single Malt Scotch Bourbon Cask and Rum Cask. So far, not so bad. Anyone else try? Thoughts?


I understand why we can’t but I wish that we could change usernames. Sometimes there’s a valid reason to change a username. In my case there are various people on other social media platforms who use the same name and post ugly statements. I’d love to separate myself from such things.
Maybe in the future SG will figure out how to do this while not...
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That was a feature of the old site design. I went through several names before I got stuck with this one. At least I didn't get stuck with a joke name.
While I don't necessarily mind the name, I'd prefer to move on from it.