mmmmmmmm b-b-b-b-b-b-BirthaFuckinDAY!!!
If anyone deserves a happy birthday, it would be you.
Happy Birthday, mister incredibly beautiful und uber chic. We'll have to catch up on AIM soon. Have whatever your idea of fun is, and lots of it!
Is this the part where I jump out of a cake for you? Can it be a big black cake with 8 million red roses on it, because that would be pretty...
26 spankings then. Bend over and permit me to administer them one by one.
*shoves black frosting in your mouth with my fingertips*
oh crap! happy late brithday!!! yay!!!!!!! seeing that is is the morning of the 7th when I am writing, i suggest a ncie cup of coffee, and take it easy for the rest of the day. hope you had a good night.

the name of the book is "The Immortal Class." i really enjoyed it. in a perfect world i'd like to make a living, or at least be able to devote most of my time to writing, and so sometimes i get a little picky about how a book is written along side if the story is good. This guys isn't a writer, and it shows in some parts, but after about 10 pages, it really didn't matter that much. i recommend it highly. what was that other book you were talking about? is it along the same vein? i would like to read that too. where were you a messenger, what city? sorry if you told me and i over looked it. hehe i just woke up.

holy fucking panic.
i'm headlining a show in exactly one week and i have three tracks i have to finish in between now and then and i have done absolutley no promotion whatsoever and i suddenly feel like i swallowed lead and did waaay too much speed and if this continues i will be expecting a cold sweat shortly.
woah, hey don't forget to breath, ok? put your nose to the gindstone, or hey... i heard an awful rumor jam bands are coming back, so you could jsut wing it! hehe. hang in there.
please listen closely, as our menu has recently changed (see above).
about to crawl into my new bed to dream about black and white leave it to beaver episodes with pyramid motherships coming out of the sky like on the backs of dollar bills with the eye and everything like red scare 3D as the e pluribus unum aliens round us up for some systematic...
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actually, the T set was one of my pending ideas for the next one. it would just so be hard, and it's so damn cold now! but now that i know i got support on the idea, maybe i'll put a little more thought into the lagistics of it. thanks.

hhaha, by the by... props on your answer to your favorite sexual position.

i checked out start once, but it was last Christmas and all the kids were out of town. isn't it closing soon? i've known gibby and them for years...
its thanksgiving- ive been drinking on and off all day and this has now resulted in a headache. i went over my friend melodies house (who is also family-less) and watched harry potter and magnolia. i'd always meant to see magnolia but never got around to it. julian moore was AMAZING, and tom cruise and william macy were both fucking great.
mel lives on the...
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...The fluid ran across pages, smearing her scrawl clear to make way for the fire that would eat what was left of her between those covers.
the diagrams and sketched faces on top, to stare them in the eyes as they burned. The cage smeared its black resume, dirtying my hands, as if to remind me later, that I had put it on top to...
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can you stop writing this nonsense about me please?

i'm moving over the next several days, and i'm thinking maybe i should've....ya know....packed. ive accumulated enough stuff to furnish and fill a two bedroom house and you know what? i hate it. it all feels like lead weights. hmmm.... i think i'm gonna give a bunch away....
one of my new roomates trains monkeys to help quadrapalegics. every now and then she brings one...
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4 hours of 50,000 watts of 125 bpm stomp responding down to 40hz rings of tinitus in the morning. if i change jobs now there might still be hope of hearing my grandchildren's voices someday. but the way the people scream- i want it. i want it. i cant get enough.
125 bpm,thats not very fast!!
Ironic is'nt it,125bpm-not fast and then the dub thingHAHA.
er depends on what you're already familiar with.Um stuff on the ON-U-Sound label .Soul Jazz has a whole bunch of wicked re-issue stuff out.There is a bunch of Trojan box sets which are excellent.
I'm pretty sure there is a label in Boston that does alot of stuff.The name of which escapes me at present,but i remember that its in Camp st,Cambridge. next to the Fort Apache studio(I don't think thats there anymore tho)Hell there must be a reggae specialist store in Boston........Lee'Scratch'Perry,King Tubby,Scientist....Find one and you'll just keep going from there.The compilations are a good start..BOOYAKA

I notice with your favourites there is a bit of a bob thing going on ..
jesus luise-us. my whole world came to a grinding halt there for a second- my DSL was down.
anyhow, more of the same (see previous entry).
ya know sometimes the perpetual motion of the city can grind you raw. the panhandling catchphrases, the 30 second subway love affairs, the women in front of macy's declaring "fur on your back blood on your hands" standing stoicly in thier earthtone outfits dragging on thier lipstick-stained cigarrettes and feeling nothing, and all i want to do is get home. somewhere right now a vcr...
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so yeah.
i guess this journal has had a positive reprecussion in that it has encouraged some of my writing juices to start flowing again, and have been actively writing in my carry-it-around-with-me journal more often, thus hence why i havent written anything here in two weeks.
anyhow, im getting rid of the loft dec 1st, under condition that i can still throw my yearly...
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