I don't get it.. I was raised pretty young, fine. My G-pa was an Air Force vet from the Korean war. Then He started me in Tae Kwon Do. I worked my way up and after almost ten years got my black belt. But there is noone to fight! You can't touch anyone even if they are a complete asshole.. So I got raised, and...
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I fucking HATE insects. I was letting this little guy, still am actually, fly around. I was always told that they eat mosquitoes. Apparently, they don't. They don't do anything, AND they are related to spiders. My #1 fear/hatred . I'm still not gonna kill this one, but I will most likely have a shit-ton of nightmares. -_-


I've had this for about a year and still haven't gotten the courage up to play it.. I feel silly, but this game scares the living shite out of me..


Why the fuck.. am I watching a documentary with astronauts who have spent half a year in space or more.. being narrated by Will Smith?? Are you shitting me? Who is responsible for this? -_-

I've hated this guy since he came out with "I am Legend."  I feel like he really thinks that.  Fuckin A, I hate Will Smith..

Are you a fucking Raptor? Do you need super-scary nails to shred your prey, or to climb trees to avoid being eaten? Somebody, please explain this shit to me. -_- It really, really bugs me..