Buzzed the back of my hair this morning, did a pretty good job once again biggrin Anywho, today is going to be an interesting day. My dear friend Crystal got a citation for her backyard. It grew too tall and she has to cut it by friday. Soooo, today, I shall make my way over there and help her out with that. Lots of fun.... biggrin hehe....
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Plooop! <---awesome comment
ooo aaa
I am sick and tired of people telling me how to run my life....IT'S MY LIFE, STAY THE FUCK OUT OF IT!!! I get a phone call from my mom, all we do is fight. So she wonders why I dont want to talk to her most of the time. She calls, starts yelling, lecturing me, I yell back and we end up hating eachother...
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FUCKEN RIGHT!! I like rackel for rackel!!! (i think it's the blue hair!) tongue j/p but I am going to greatly miss you when you leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! frown frown frown *ton of bricks kind of sadness* I like you the way you are and ppl are always changing so ppl need to accept this especially alot of the small town folk that were born,live and die in the same spot! (no offense to anyone) they are just mad that you are happy!! That you don't cower below their feelings and live in fear of them b/c they are your mother,or they are your husband or friends etc..you listen to who you want! you do what you want!! Hell yeah girl! we rock this rock so hardcore!! Plus oahu would be very boring w/o u and I wouldn't of met half the ppl i know now if i hadn't met you!!! WHOOO_HOO!!!! cu at red lobster!!!! or when ever you decide to walk over!!!! biggrin biggrin much love & hugs!! smile smile smile
>The problem is, people mistake kindness for weakness.

Yup I KNOW exactly what you mean. Its great to hear someone else say it.

I am a bit concerned that you don't do the tupperware parties. They have some really great products and you get to meet really independent minded people.
Ok. Feeling better today, dont really need the Vicodin anymore...... frown Oh well. Went over to Crystal's last night, Nate cleaned her house out of boredom and I think in a fit of jealousy. But he did a damn good job so....niether me or Crystal are complaining. Shit!!!! There is nothing really to write about. Oh yeah, I didnt wake up till 8pm tonight, I am...
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I'm bored too......I wanna work in a spa in Hawaii!!!!!!!!!!!! surreal biggrin
Had a fucking great weekend biggrin
Played some monopoly, It wasnt drunk monopoly though, I was on Vicodin at the time. But not too soon after we started playing I just said fuck it....and took a shot of rum.Took lots of pictures, video taped retarded drunk people....wait, that was us. Just had an all around good time. Going to a Christmas party on thursday...yeah, I know,...
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Glad u had a fun weekend. Mine went well too. You never told me how NOFX went.
Do you know anyone involved in any Spas in Hawaii looking for talented massage therapists? One of my new "dreams" is to either move to Hawaii or The Keys and work in a Spa on some beach. I still have a ways to go, but I like the sound of it. One of the students I know is moving there without knowing anyone or having a set job in a spa, or anywhere....she has some balls on her....I wanna do that!!! biggrin
Pretty far from the mainland. It would be tough not being able to see my family when I wanted.
I LUV ME SOME VICODIN!!! love Not big on Monopoly though...never liked that one. Fights always occur.
Well, I'm gonna listen to some muzic, and get ready 4 school and schmoke schome weeeeed! surreal wink
Hmmmmm, today was an alright day, bleached my hair at 4 in the morning, twas fun. biggrin Went out with Crystal and Nate, and I must add....Nate has been in a really wierd frame of mind, it's irritating the shit out of me. Anyways, Bought some clothes today, went to Sensually Yours (and those of you who dont know what that is, it's a porn shop)...
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I forgot how much I hate snow... guess I shouldn't have come to CT. Only thing to do is go see some local punk band, and get trashed... wierd, thats usually all I do in Hawaii, why did I spend all the money to come here?
biggrin biggrin biggrin
All I have to say about tonight is.......


kiss kiss
I feel outstanding today.....must be the VICODIN!!!! Anyways, in a good mood, not in pain. Might be going out with Crystal and Nate today, depends on if they are still up to it. Can't wait to drink this weekend biggrin I'm gettin ready to post some new pictures of yet another drunken night. Twas fun. Bought some more lil videos for my cam, gonna be recording...
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W00t w00t! Time for a vicodin party! You bring the.. vicodin... I'll bring the party!
Have fun sweeite biggrin
Fucking Christ!!!! The ER fucking sucks. The pain from my tooth got so bad, I had to go to the hospital and get some pain killers. Crystal went with me. I was gonna wait for Nate to get off work so he could drive me to Tripler but the pain got too bad and I just called a fucking Cab to come get me, The...
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How is it that every family member of someone in the military gets all the good drugs, but when one of us is hurting, all we get is motrin and water???
Awe! I hope you're feeling a little bit better after all of that girlie! All I can say is.... mmmmmmmm vicodin! wink
Ok, didnt drink as much as I wanted to last night, got a little side tracked...hehehe. Anyways, took my video cam, got some funny shit on there. Watched some movies and at one point, we all walked to my house for reasons I will not speak of biggrin Josh confinscated a skateboard from someones yard. That was funny. Got back to Crystal's house after everyone complaining...
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Got a little side tracked... what happened?
I feel a hell of a lot better today. Went to see Constantine last night, I thought it was fuckin awesome. Crystal was supposed to come but she didnt feel up to it, oh well, wish she would of came with us. I went with Erik, Rudy and Jay. Too much testosterone for me. But they are some funny guys. Rudy is hilarious. Erik rockin...
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Oh my god....I drank so...fucking...much last night eeek
Wake up...head hurts....hungry...and I am supposed to do it all over again tomorrow night...I cant remember half of what I did last night, Crystal did tell me that I pierced her ear for her while I was drunk.
Anyways, goin to nurse my hangover.Later peoples!!
Down with hangovers. One attacked me yesterday morning, and became particuarly unpleasent when our new life model presented his less than appertising genitals. All that at 9.30 in the morning was more than my churning lil' tummy could take.


Enjoy your hang over bok
How was NOFX? How ya feelin? ooo aaa