Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny.

If you see us without an erection, make us a sandwich.
hehe that is so truh

I ordered a cheeseburger yesterday, I had never eaten at this paticular restaurant before, and whenever Iam unsure about the food at a place, I always order a cheeseburger.

How many ways can you fuck up something as simple as a cheeseburger?

The bread can be to hard, or the meat might not be cooked to my likeing, but that can be fixed quite...
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Mud puddles and sun yellow dandelions

When you see a patch of dandelions do you see weeds, or do you see flowers and blowing white fluff you can wish on.

When you see a mud puddle do you step around it, because you see muddy shoes, or do you see dams to build, rivers to cross, mud pies, and worms to play with.

Enjoy the...
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hehe know a $ is ~0,90 euros
If you can start the day without caffeine,

If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,

If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,

If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it,

If you can take ceiticism and blame without reseentment,

If you can ignore a friends limited education and never correct him,

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yay i am so happs that you are back. i have realy miss you kiss
This is the is the best country in the world, and we know it.

Today we celebrate our nations birthday.

On a day to day basis, we often take our our freedom for granted. Except for us americans who have spent time abroad and naturalized citizens who grew up in other countries, most have a difficult time truly understanding what it's like to live in...
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This is the is the best country in the world, and we know it.

Today we celebrate our nations birthday.

On a day to day basis, we often take our our freedom for granted. Except for us americans who have spent time abroad and naturalized citizens who grew up in other countries, most have a difficult time truly understanding what it's like to live in...
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She sat across the motel bar, cute as she colud be, sipping her drink and reading from a paperback, possible a romance novel featuring steaming passion.

The place was crowded with weary travelers and the band was loud.

Two men in suits tried her first, but she would not even look up from her paperback, they went back to thier table and sat down.

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I've been considering measures to take against vending machines that refuse to work.

I haven't any concrete numbers, but I would guess that in the 50 or so years I've been feeding money into these callous contraptions, they actually have worked only about 50 percent of the time. A few times when they don't work, the machine doesn't deliver the object I have selected, but...
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I hate it when the vending machines don't work. It's a conspiricy! kiss
First Love

I remember the first time I tried it

I was only a lad in my teen

I was much older than she

And she was so fair and serene

It was out in the barn I remember

At the close of a lush summer day

The evening was sented with clover in bloom

And the fragrance of freshly mowen hay

I remember she...
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oh thast nice kiss
Pet Peeves.

Just when I thought there could never be another ism to plague me I've found another one.


I found it in an article I was reading about how our language is changing in a our never ending battle to remove various biases and isms from the way we speak and write.

You can't say fireman or firewoman or fireperson anymore. It's simply...
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so the pet shop boay arnt the pet shop boys anymor now ther formely know as the animal companions shop boys biggrin