hmm as i sit here i think i should post a blog. but there inlays the problem i don't know what to post. so as i sit here putting what i feel is to many periods. i wonder what to post in this nonsensical blog of nothing as i listne to death cab for cutie; a band i have had in my itunes for about...
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I was gonna put something awesome a spiritual here and be all deep and stuff then i went its 1:42 am its x-mas Woot i got awesome presents and forgot to think of something spiritual deep and awesome to say. so heres for the effort merry x-mas to all who read this and woot for slow cookers.
HRM i have been postin alot of blog lately well alt has been going on. anyway made the drive from FL to MI all at once ended up in the ditch 3 times got stuck 2 fun stuff and the 3rd time i got stuck 2 other cars ended up hitting the same patch of ice and nearly hitting my car yeah fun drive anyway...
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Well finally settled in to my apt with everything all set up this place is awesome. anyway thanks to those who helped me out i have figured out what to do and I'm just gonna leave it be and stay friends i think its for the best anyway really thats it aside from I'm get to go home for x-mas woot driving all the way...
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Well the new apt is mine and it will be all setup and hopefully unpacked tomorrow. just wish there was someone to share the 600 sqft with i guess i just hate being alone. i just really need advice right now im torn between two things and idk where to turn idk what to do i have no one to talk to that i feel...
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Lay it all out and see who responds. I'm relatively good at giving advise I think, but I do my best to wait until it's asked for, which is sometimes hard for me... :/
well my issue is that im in love with this girl who i have dated before and i cut off the relationship beaceuse i i hadnt really dated so i wanted to figure out what was out there (im a learn from experience personfrown ). anyway i would love to have what we had before but we have both changed and the actual problem she has found another and hes a decent guy just in trouble with the law for drug problems and if it wasnt for that i would just be friends with her as i am and leave it be because shes happy and thats what i want more then anything is for her to be happy but this guy is in and out of jail for months at a time has thousands of dollars in fees and i know she deserves better then that but shes happy when shes with him i just dont know what to do.
get to move into my new apt tomorrow biggrintonguebiggrin cant wait to get settled in then head home for the holidays its gonna be so great cant wait to see everybody back home maybe some of this loneliness will go away. you know its kind of ironic i feel lonely so i move in to my own place with no one else o well. other then...
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well hello there,
im out of my old apartment living with a couple of my friends until the end of the month. umm other then that i found out i have walking pneumonia just getting over it now actually and due to that i think i failed this month for attendance well at least i don't have to pay for it because i was sick....
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happy thanksgiving all and yeah for turkey. well i didnt go home for the holiday frown i went to my friends house hows dad came down and we celebrated turkeyday also played some halo reach with his uncle that was cool. but in other news im seriously thinking about picking wow back up again if i do ill post toon and server names on here for...
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Hello there well i just saw The Mist and it was amazing loved the ending eeek i wish there where more movies like this where you dont even know the 2 hours has passed it was amazing. the only other movie that i have seen that did this is the latest startrek movie. well other then that i think im getting sick which sucks and apartment...
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The Mist! Agreed! By the way since you seen this amazing thing done by Frank Darabont you should check out the AMC show The Walking Dead! Because I am your Horror Movie (TV) Guide! Anyways! Hope you find a kickass apt! And don't get sick!
well I am sick frown but i have been religiously watching the walking dead and its AMAZING!
hey there (god he says that a lot) just haven't posted in a while so figured i would update you know. 1.) still don't know if anyone reads these 2.) i might end up failing my mics and theory class for attendance because i missed another lab. 3.) still haven't been rescheduled for music theory or csi. 4.) th th th thats all folks.

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hmm haven't posted in a while. well anyway, Hey There tattoo is still itchy but in other news in school im learning to mix on an audient 8042... i think thats its number. anywho its been alot of fun i just wished there were open labs we could go practice in. but other then that just chillin wishin there was someone to share the sunshine...
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