I had a dream that one of my friends, a 6'-5" gorilla of a man, was a homicidal cross dresser with split-personality that slipped into his alter-ego when called by the name "rosebud". like a hitchcock film, I witnessed him brutally murder someone from a dark window. somehow I finally discovered it was my friend and had to take him out in order to stop...
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There are good reasons why I really can't stand being around people.
picked up the new joe coleman book sat. and then went to see the show in santa ana that included one of his paintings on sunday. motherfucker does such insane detail work. insanity breeds genius.
I think I'm gonna check out "100 Artists See Satan" in Santa Ana this weekend. A few artists I really like are showing pieces.
Where is that at? Sounds interesting...... confused
some new brushes, a cheap easel and a canvas. now what the fuck do I do?
Paint like a mutha fucka....... biggrin biggrin biggrin
I think my arm is healed enough to start back with the weights tonight. I really fucked it up and now I'm going to have to deal with nerve damage for an unknown period of time. possibly permanent. fuck it. like the cro-mags say, "overpower/overcome".
what happened??
Millenium on DVD. Not as great as I remember it being, but anything dealing with serial killers and Endtime prophecy is better than the shit that passes for interesting television these days.
I agree.
FUCK! I should be watching Neurosis tonight in SF! Should have stayed in Oakland.
I have friends that are going to be there. Bastards!

You should post more pictures.


[Edited on Jul 21, 2004 4:28PM]
why would you continue to celebrate the birthday of a dead son? I understand loss, but I think that you need to realize someone is gone and move on. I found his rotting corpse two days after he od'd. just getting that smell out of my mind was difficult enough.
have to fly to Denver on the 16th for a memorial for my Uncle. I hate flying. not a really big fan of funeral/memorial shit either.