My fingers are all cramped and ache-y from inking with a brush. Ugh.

That's okdokey, tho. Tonight it is the devils ball, where I will dress up. This will be entertaining. I am getting out the CFM boots. Whoot.
I'm projecting again, sorry, I tend to do that, but in its own strange way, isnt THAT 'ego humping'? Maybe I have the skills after all. Yay me. Yay crops too.

CFM boots, are those related to F*** me pumps? Or do I have a dirty mind?

I wish I could draw. Wanna see the turkey I made tracing my hand?
a small plane crashed into a residential high-rise in Manhattan today.

I was no where near it-- and from what I can suss out after the dramatics on the news- it's looking like it is not some diabolical terrorist plot. It's prolly either an asshole committing suicide or an accident.

we'll see. in the mean time, lets hope this doesn't turn into some big fucking...
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It's tuesday.
I have little to report.

Oh, I'm getting fancy panties in the mail! that's exciting. sure bet!
Self deprecation is a forte, ego humping is an art which I'm studying but not yet embracing. I need a manual.

(looking at ur profile) I'm such a good boy, you might punch me in the face if you met me. Please, not in the face.
Your work is amazing, hope you 'make it' (whatever that means for you)
I updated my fine little comic on ACT-I-VATE .

ACT-I-VATE is community of cartoonists that drop free weekly comics on the alter of the internets. We cause trouble. We get messy. And people seem to think my comics are signs of my own maladjustment.

They may be right. Fun, regardless.
