Fuckin' douche bags just won't get the fuck away from me! It's bad enough I have to deal with them on the road, and random douches in the bar, but when they're sitting at our table?! I just wanna fuckin' hit them! And what's worse, is when there's 2 OF THEM! Big surprise that douche no. 1 brought douche no. 2 with him. I got...
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Grindhouse premier tonight. BAD ASS! Go see it kids!

Mmmm....Rose McGowan with a high powered machine gun for a leg on a chopper....now that's the SEX! love
Ya, I should see this one soon.
What a pain in the ass!

guy who bought the El Camino can't get his insurance until later in the week, so he can't pick up the truck. My brother told me it has to be out of his garage, so again, I've got no place to put it. So what do I get to do? I get to drive it up to Edmonton in...
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Dude, that blows. frown
So I finally sold the El Camino today frown

Didn't manage to get quite as much as I wanted for it, but I had to get rid of it. So I had to let it go for $2700. I'm gonna cry when the guy drives it away next week. I love that thing. It was an amazing piece of machinery and the power it has was...
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I fucking hate emotional bullshit! And tonight there was so much of it that I became completely withdrawn and left my own mothers place early to get away from it.

I'm much more content being emotionally displaced, jaded and cynical.

There are some things that you just shouldn't say, or do. I get uncomfortable with emotion, and when it fills a room, I have to...
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F you for not hanging out today and wanting to eat buffalo burgers.
Whatever, you ditched me on purpose and broke my heart blackeyed

Remember how I was all like "hey I'll come visit you are work, I have to swing by Walmart anyway" and you said "No thanks, I think I'll stick to sitting here doing nothing" and told me you'd lock the store if I tried to visit.

Next Sunday is potentially good. I only don't know for certain because my boss is coming back tomorrow and I will probably have to correct everything I have done wrong shocked
Looking for opinions! I've done yet another political poster. Looking for thoughts and opinions. primarily, what's the message it conveys to you?

Another political statement by me
so much psychosomatic bullshit and emotional drama going on...I have no energy left for a real posting. Been busy trying not to drown in a sea of depression. Instead, I give you this:

Sunday Telegraph Article
From today's UK wires: Salute to a brave and modest nation
Kevin Myers, The Sunday Telegraph

LONDON - Until the deaths last week of four Canadian soldiers accidentally killed...
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That's true, but I wouldn't want to live in any other country.
YAY!!!!! I got my loan! I'm so excited! That means I get my new truck this week. Tomorrow I go sign all the papers for my loan, then I meet with the guy I'm buying my truck from, he signs it over to me, I pay him a hefty chunk of change, then over the next couple days I get all my insurance and registration...
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I don't want the ca-truck for myself tongue Nice try though.

A guy posted a flyer in my store offering free music lessons. I am confused by that.... One of the other girls knew him and took it down
That is my feeling. Apparently he worked with the girl that is staying at my condo while I am away and took her # from the staff phone # list. Now I guess he calls her all the time trying to ask her out and she always says no and has even started hanging up on him.

Thing is, I really want those free music lessons wink
I want to pet a penguin!

One day I'll make it to the Falkland Islands and do JUST that.

I love penguins! smile
Yeah that would be fucking cool !
Are you a monochromat or a dichromat?

Did you know that 10-25% of the women in families where dichromacy is common actually have heightened colour vision and can see an extra distinction? I have that. (Although it's VERY hard to test for it)

Had an interesting night one night - interesting for colour vision anyway.
Me, a dichromat and a regular trichromat all went outside to see the Northern lights - I was seeing things none of them could see - but shockingly, the dichromat was experiencing more than the trichromat was too...