Boston had a fucking horribly snow storm yesterday. It took me 3 and 1/2 hours to get home for a trip that's normally 30 minutes. I was going apeshit sitting there. I am not going to school today either, fuck it, I'll just make up the time. God just one more year and then I'm out of New England
I hate the winter months, I get so depressed. Come on spring
I woke up this morning and realize that someone who I thought I liked, I really don't like her like I thought. She's cool, just not what I want. I glad I thought about all this shit before getting involve with her thought, otherwise this would have been a bad sitution in the horizon. Found out I hAVE 1,300 HOURS FROM MY SCHOOL Toward my...
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Dammit, It 5:20 in the morning. I hate getting up so early to go to saturday school. Thank goodness ther's only one more year of this shit
Thanks for the comment on my set. kiss
Thanks for the compliment on my set, I'm glad you liked it smile
I am taking another day off, hopefully I don't get in trouble for it. I have the time to use so I should be okay
blush thanks wink
thanks for your comment!
Had to file a motor accident report. Guy was in the far lane and turned into my lane to get to the other street and I hit him. If he'd waited two second, we wouldn't had this problem. Oh well. people need to learn to slow down. I can't wait to get out of this state.