Orayte chaps!! (in stoke that means "hello how the devil are you, Brilliant well done keep it up") bit of funky news for ya. im gonna get me first tattoo done 2morrow mornin and i aint doin a half arsed job either, the guy doing it is shit hot and has people coming from all over the country to see him! im having the band...
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Sounds like a cool idea.
HA!! i bet you thought i was gone for good. well tough shit!! im back. well for another 3 months anyway!
Hey man glad to see you back. kiss
I haven't seen you in like forever...must meet up soon, on the good side though think i might have found a house smile weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee smile
thought i better do an update cause i aint got a cold any more and i aint winging about living by myself now! hehe. right. i been booking up dates for the Long Time Dead UK tour and things are going well. we playing in edinburgh!! erm cant think of anything to update you with to be honest. bye
hey, just a quicky wink i proper got manflu at de mo and feel like poo, as a bloke i demand sympathy even though its not really a tough cold!! im gonna go get me head down for a bit and see if it helps. work is poo at de mo as its fucking freezing cold and the only time of the day i get warm...
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Aaw poor thing, much sympathy and other such things that you would like. As for the someone to keep you warm you'll have to sort that out on your own darlin'. Good Luck. smile
good morning people. just thought id update as im busy at me computer working on the new long time dead website. its going very well but i have to learn all this new xhtml jargen thats starting to do me head in! i hope everyone had a great new year and stuff. i got a bit pissed up at me local haunt and walked home...
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oh and if you're serious about the 'Vices' bit. It like what's you're out let e.g. smoking, drinking, playing Bass that sort of shit. smile
I'm sorry honry I haven't read that one. Tell you what is a good one though 'Good Omens', it makes sense if you've seen the Omen, even if you haven't it's still bloody funny. And yay on nearly finishing the website, tell be the adress when you've got it done and I'll check it out. smile
RIGHT!!! last night my band LONG TIME DEAD played our christmas gig in Stoke on Trent and it kicked proper ass. i was chuffed to fuck as usual to see so many kids singing along with us. my bass amp cut out as soon as we started the first track!!!! the rest of the guys played a song and a half without me aRGH it...
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Glad the gig went well, great new piccie smile Hopefully see you sometime in the new year, could do with meeting up and having a few beers, kinda need a friend right now.
Hiya mate, good to hear your gig went this well! Hope you had a good xmas and that you're doing something cool for NYE.
By the way, the new pic is great, love the bullet guitar strap... very metal! wink
Have a good one!

kiss kiss
NNNOOOOOO, Dime cant die, he is a god. its a sad day in Metal land. This shouldnt happen to anyone (except Osama Bin Laden). im so gutted that i will never get to meet the guy and have a drink or 20 with him. WANK!!! mad mad mad frown mad mad mad

Yo Yo Yo!!! just got back from a quick drinkin session at the local pub which rocks as its in crawling distance from home!!! feelin all a bit drunk now which kicks ass! Not much to talk about really. fed up with work, got no cash but fuck that its all pretty small shit when ya think about it. I think im gonna chill out...
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oo new profile piccie, very nice smile *hugs, hope your okies kiss
mmmm, pub love drink love home love film love bed love
has been a hard day today. i have had to put my little baby, poppy to sleep. she was 14 and started to get really tired and over the last few days stopped eating her food. i feel really sick as i can hardly remember a day without her. its going to be hard to get used to her not bieng on my bed at...
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May Poppy rest in peace dude. frown (and i'm not taking the piss, I'm a cat lover) smile I've lost many a pussy before.
hope you okies sweetie, sorry to hear about Poppy *huggles*