back in the city...had a brief hospital stay, but i'm feeling much better now. Psyche Wards are like prisons, underground cigarrette economy and everything. Truly a little scary. No music and no going outside for eight days!!! If i wasn't insane before, i am now. Good to be out and enjoying the end of the good weather up here in the Northeast.
What did i...
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welcome back from underneath
and welcome back outside
and yes, hooray for this weather
hope you're doing ok smile
hey, all....
been a long time, working non stop.
weather has finally changed in NYC, summer is here.
Coney Island Siren Music Fest was a good time(Hot Hot Heat, Modest Mouse, !!!, The Datsuns)but way too crowded. Nathans+The Cyclone= happy Beedlebaum. Music I've been listening to;
Alice Cooper(Killer)
New Pornographers
Ornette Coleman
Six Finger Satellite
thats all fer now, kids.

thats a crazy profile Pic.
ornette, huh?
time to update the journal...
not much to say, though...
Everytime i leave NYC for a period, this city always kicks my ass in a big way when i get back...its just so fucking intense at times, everyone is always 'on' and on the go. Not that i'd trade it for anything, but, man it is crazy. Sometimes i feel like the laziest bastard in...
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god i hate bees. I mean, i'm especially allowed to, because I'm allergic to them.

When I was in 6th grade this...weird bee thing made a nest right outside our front screen door. He was really bizarre, he was completely solitary and HUGE and he lived in a big big nest. He looked like a giant yellow jacket, and he was about the size of a thumb. He was terrifying and we had to rush past his nest every morning to get on the bus.
i am the laziest girl in all the land.
just got back from the Mountains...Rainy and cold most of the time...thank god for drugs and alcohol!
what does the beed listen to on a road trip you ask?
1 The Best of Johnny Paycheck
2 Ride the Skies; Lightning Bolt (get this CD today!!)
3 Rocket to Russia; the Ramones
4 Isnt Anything; My Bloody Valentine
5 Daydream Nation; Sonic Youth
wait until its...
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yup, dignan from bottle rocket. although hopefully my cat wouldn't have a crooked nose like owen wilson.
i knew about the haile selasi sp? speech, but had no idea of this shenaid o'connor madness you speak of.......
i'm very jealous of your trip to the mountains..rain, drugs & all. i saw tito puente maybe a year or two before he died in nyc.....fuckin awesome show though i can't remember the venue. maybe were you there

[Edited on Jun 09, 2003]