scooby doo? thats silly. as it has nothing to really do with xmas confused
nope I'm bored frown
check back when I have something of interest to say ARRR!!!
mmmm fresh vinyl. coled freshly pressed vinyl records are the best.
ewww.. thats pretty great wink i'd love to watch someone get all gored up, I just dont think i'd like to clean it up too much puke

you are just too sweet wink i hope you have a wonderful holiday yourself smile and believe me, i've already done shit i've regretted. Tons of it in fact. Just because I am young, does not mean that I haven't gone thru things darlin wink

Urrgghh, too much sleep makes u groggy. puke

Have just quit one of my jobs now have too much time on my hands confused and not enough cash frown

Still means I have more time for SG biggrin

One big kiss to my fav Lexie

So, moving on to a completely different subject, what about the crazy fool who shot Dimebag? skull Now I've never been a huge Pantera fan or...
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aww so sweet smile

yeah the whole Dimebag shooting actually happened here in my town. So i've heard alll about it. Very crazy frown
So christmas is just a couple of weeks away, a time of year when our capitalist society decrees we must spend more money than we can really afford.mad
Not to be a scrooge though I am looking forward to seeing a couple of delighted faces, and of course the copious amounts of alcohol puke
And if every previous year is anything to go by there wil...
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Sunday sundays here again a day to achieve absolutely zero, to regret its passage and to eat far m,ore than anyone should ever eat in one day..... especially with xmas coming up. A big hug ( -------------------------- ) to Lexie and heres hoping ur OK sweetie xx. I suggest anyone else who wants to show this girl some love should do so she as such...
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So I finally discovered SG. And what a discovery. Betwixt playing bass and surfing the web love Be gentle as am new to site but already love it!!! Where else can u find such a bevy of beauties in one place.
As for me? well steinbeck put it best "I am a little man and this is a little town but tere must be a spark...
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