So I learned alot about myself this weekend.....

I'm at a party with some random old people that i don't know, when this guy starts talking to me. He's going on and on and on and on...and I'm obviously not paying attention any more...but he couldn't figure that out because I was looking directly at him. Only I tuned him out and sat there editing...
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hahaha good idea.
Wow..it's been almost a month since I updated my blog...time to fill you in...

As expected I've been travelling alot. Snuck away to KC for work and got a lot of photography work done. Of course I found time to play around and do what I do best...and that's party. I would fill you in on the week, but quite frankly I don't remember half...
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Good luck with your house!
Can't wait to see the pictures smile
maybe! haha damsel has a canoe multi with praespe (or however you spell it) that was hott haha

I love kayaking too. it's fun, I go with a friend and we have matching boats haha
Travel to Maryland

So I guess they decided to close down the travel advisory thread so I have to do it with a blog.

Travel to Edgewood, MD (close to Aberdeen and Baltimore)
Date: 13 June - 23 June
Obviously will be bored and wanting to shoot as much as i can. I'll be free quite a few days. So who wants to shoot while...
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I realize that it's been a while since I gave an update or did some commenting. Expect next week to be filled with both.
got plans huh? ; >
Of course...I always have plans lol. Nah I just wanted to be more active, but so much travel has made it difficult to be active on the site.
Indianapolis bound!

So today I'm headed to indianapolis. I'll be there all week. Let's just hope that my actual trip is better than the flight there. Car comes and picks me up at 5am....so I'm already slight irritable. When I get to the airport I try and save myself some aggravation by checking a bag...because the same lady on american airlines for every single time...
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I know the guys think it's okay...any girls want to endorse this move? The moment I set it up I'm immediately going to want to do a shoot whether it's for SG or not...the more I think of it the more likely I am to have it on the way this week.
I changed my name because I'd been away from here soo long and it just didn't feel right anymore. Even my Burlesque name was part of my actual name. And I've been trying to change it for a while but they've been taken until I tried it recently.
What's new in the adventures of Anthony

TAP NY last weekend was amazing. You can't beat such a great beerfest. 18 of us got a house and jsut spent a great time at the beerfest and getting trashed afterwards. I managed to finish all 41 breweries and still had time to just casually drink. and by casually I mean i got plastered.

Learned of a...
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adventurous im sure ; >
I just learned to draw like that from practice.

Haha yeah the color i chose was too bright.
Long Beach Here I come

Guess who is making a trip back to Cali. Coming back to my true home for a couple of days. As usual I'm open to shoot, but looking for SG's to meet up also. Let me know what's going on in LBC this week.

I finally decided to add a few photos of a shoot I did several months ago. Not sure why I never uploaded them before. This was a shoot I did with a model Lori in Montreal, Canada. Prollly would have made a decent first set (although obviously not enough photos), but it seemedd like there were to many scene changes. Maybe one day I'll actually...
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Awesome work, Anthony. Can't wait to get a chance to shoot with you as well!
still dreaming huh bruv? love it!
It's been a While!

Just realized how long it's been since i've been on SG. Been out on travel and such so much that I nearly forgot about keeping up with posts.

So where do I begin. My last trip was to Montreal. Although the two models I had to shoot flaked (non-SG models) I had a really great time. One of the best trips...
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I'd be interested to see the shots!
Montreal here I come! I'll be there Sunday March 27 - Friday April 1st.

Any SG's, hopefuls, or members doing anything this week?
Mother Nature is a BITCH!....A crazy Bitch at that!

It was over 70 degrees on Friday. We had just had the first day of spring...so why was it snowing on my way to work this morning? I finally woke up and left my house on time to make it to work on time...and it was Fucking snowing! Every car on the road acted like it...
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